The War on Food (and on the Amish, and Farmers) – Peak Prosperity
UK farmer here, followed you from start of the honey badger. Love your work, made all my kids watch your crash course and Mike Maloney’s hidden secrets of Money. Fingers crossed they survive this exponential crisis.
My mother lived through the Tokyo bombing during WWII. Her family lost all their wealth. My mother use to tell me stories of how her mother would travel to the farmers and barter her jewels for food and how her own government withheld food from the citizens. Moreover, if you sold food on the black market, you would get arrested. Growing up, my mother understood the importance of never trusting the gov and taught her daughters to be self sufficient as possible. It wasn’t until the past 6 years do I realize the importance of what my mother taught me.
Everyone needs to eat. Control the food, control the people. That is why the farmers are the top of the list of targets.
The war is on the middle class. Food is but one campaign of many.