Why no weight loss

Beware hidden carbs, starches, other evils

Seed oils
Sugar alcohols – xylitol, sorbitol (per Hossenfelder
Easy to bump out of ketosis; takes longer to slip into ketosis.
Bread slice, wine glass – Can bump out of ketosis.
Cutting carbs to burning out fat; entering self-healing mode.
Hunger decreases; energy level increases.

Vitamin D
- Reduces insulin
- at least 10k IU daily
- half-hour sunlight generates 20k IU

Intermittent Dry Fasting
Ideal 23 fast, 1 hour eating window. Wet and dry fast.
Fat has only 1-3% water content.
Fat creates water when it’s ‘burned’ with oxygen.
#1 cause of plant death is ‘overwatering’
Atophagy – recycling of damaged proteins