Food and Medical Industries have been lying to us all along with Sally Morell
Jim Dore Show
Use butter, ghee, tallow or lard. Also olive, avocado & coconut.
farms need to go back to using manure and stop using chemicals
Watch any video of hyenas eating alive zebras, or anything like that, and you will see the very first choice meat the eaters attack is the interstitial fat in the gut. They don’t necessarily eat the intestine / gut itself but rather the fatty tissue surrounding the gut organs. Then the tough lean meat is next. Even the predatory animals Know what’s what.
Midwestern Doctor clown on substack has been outed by Jeanice Barcelo as a plagiarist. He snatched large portions of her books and blogs and reposted without source or credit. BEWARE. Stealers will poison by their fruits.
As a baby boomer my doctors were killing me. Now 100 percent carnivore life style which has saved my life.Thanks Dr. Ken Berry
As soon as I started learning about GMO’s roughly 15 years ago I knew we were in trouble. You can’t own corn, however if you genetically modify corn you can put a patent on that corn. Then if you modify that corn so it can cross pollinate with organic corn, you can sue a farmer if the genetically modified corn cross pollinates and takes over the farmers field. Then you must also factor in only 5 corporations control 80% of our agriculture, you can see how we’re in a lot of trouble with the food we are eating.
It’s why when you go to Europe or Japan, most things we eat are banned there.
The medical industry still pushes this. I had gestational diabetes with my most recent pregnancy and was told to eat healthy fats like canola oil…. I died laughing.
“Once weapons were manufactured to fight wars. Now wars are manufactured to sell weapons.” – Arundhati Roy {and now diseases are manufactured to sell vaccines}
If you leave a tub of margarine outside not a single animal will touch it.
Also Worth noting that if your dog has arthritis or lipomas, quit feeding them the big brand dry foods, pretty much all of them have canola oil, in large amounts
Meanwhile, in an Amish community far from the English, a pie crust is being made with lard, butter churned from cream, and raw milk is soothing a restless child late into the evening.
Canola oil is a great lubricant for machinery, which is what it was invented to be.
Eggs are so insanely important. Also why I think it keeps being under attack Constantly by big pharma and such.
and this is why 80% of my diet is Eggs now and I’m in the best shape of my life
I remember specifically 3 years ago NPR was pushing seed oils as healthy. My liberal friends had their thoughts flipped on reality and were trying to get me to switch to cooking with safflower oil from the olive oil I’ve been using for years. now I use beef tallow to cook with.
The one study that “proved” cholesterol was bad for you used hydrogenated vegetable oil as the fat.
It’s about time the truth came out! I’ve been eating a high fat animal based diet, it’s reversed my auto immune conditions and cut my inflammation etc. No grains, dairy or sugar either, life is way better and healthier for me now.
In this segment Jimmy speaks with journalist, chef, nutrition researcher, homemaker, community activist and author Sally Fallon Morell. The two discuss a range of nutrition and health-related topics including the danger of consuming seed oils, the benefits of sunlight, why cholesterol is good and which are the best foods to ingest — and to avoid.
The article titled “Food and Medical Industries have been lying to us all along with Sally Morell,” published on February 11, 2025, on, discusses various perspectives on nutrition and health. It emphasizes the benefits of traditional animal fats over industrial seed oils, critiques modern agricultural practices, and highlights concerns about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their impact on food quality. The piece also touches upon issues like plagiarism within health discourse and the influence of major corporations on agriculture. Additionally, it references a discussion with Sally Fallon Morell, a nutrition researcher and author, who advocates for traditional dietary practices and challenges mainstream health guidelines.
For a more in-depth understanding, the article includes a video interview with Sally Fallon Morell, where she delves into topics such as the dangers of consuming seed oils, the benefits of sunlight, and the importance of cholesterol in the diet.

come see us on tour in Dallas Austin Baltimore Hartford Connecticut Syracuse
New York Atlantic City levit toown co-host and Providence Road Island go to
Jimmy for the link for the cheapest tickets so we know we talk a lot about seed oils on the show and how
they're uh you know basically poison um you know people vegetable oil
canola oil just like when you were a kid they said oh eat margarine it's better than butter that was a lie
right margarine is also poison and um so now I eat real butter from pasture a
grass-fed cows um and I only cook with the olive
oil avocado oil and every once in a while when I go out my favorite sushi
place has expeller pressed uh oil that I will allow them to
use on some of their sauces um but now so this is catching on
people are catching on that the canola oil and uh safflower oil and uh soybean
oil and palm oil those are not the good oils those those are you know did you
know canola oil was originally invented as a industrial lubricant around World
War I or two and then they're like hey what are we going to do with all so uh they have to heat the reason that it's
bad is because they have to heat well I have a guess on that's going to explain all this but so now restaurants are
pledging to stop using seed oils politicians are discussing seed oils at the national level are you ready for the
change here it is 100% grass-fed no seed oils glutenfree I don't know about
gluten uh but uh let me just show you this so um let me bring out our guest Sally uh
fad Morell is a journalist Chef nutrition researcher Homemaker a community activist she president of the
westn A price foundation and the author of nourishing Traditions The cookbook
that challenges politically correct nutrition and the diet di di dictocrats
wow better watch my mouth a thought-provoking guide to emphasizing that animal fats and
cholesterol are not the villains but actually vital factors in the diet we've showed you that Midwestern doctor
substack talks about how cholesterol is good for you and you need it and as your cholesterol goes down your death uh goes
up uh anyway she's uh it's it's necessary for your proper brain function
and nervous system and protection from disease please welcome to the show Sally F and Morell hi Sally how are you hi
thank you by the way I think your hair looks very distinguished oh you're very sweet I appreciate you saying that thank
you very much uh you right back yeah you look fantastic too see I wish my hair looked more like yours actually but
anyway uh let me just play this quick video and then I'll have you comment on it I personally like to apologize on
behalf of the medical establishment for how poorly we advised you especially if you're a baby boomer you've had more
surgeries than any previous generation you used more prescription medications
because of our packaged truth about those drugs and we've cracked open your
chest opened your hearts put you on statins and stented more arteries than
any generation before you we did this instead of teaching you how to fix the
problems that were making you were told eat low fat low meat or you'll have a heart attack if you listen to this
Mantra and you have a fear of all of these Foods I am sorry that was the
wrong advice so Sally was that really the wrong advice and why oh absolutely and
most tragically when that advice is applied to uh babies and
children uh babies so if you're n breastfeeding which we
advise your baby's getting a lot of cholesterol there's a lot of cholesterol in milk and there's special enzymes to
ensure the baby absorbs all that cholesterol the baby babies make
hormones you make hormones out of cholesterol babies their brains are growing at a rapid rate they need
cholesterol for that the digestive tract and if your breast Fe if you're giving
formula there's no cholesterol in that formula it's just seed oil oils and skin
milk and you know if you look on a bag of milk replacer for calves the third
ingredient is animal fat because the Vets know that these Cals will die if
they don't get animal fat and all the things that are in animal fat mainly cholesterol but we don't do that for our
babies it is an absolute tragedy how this uh ridiculous unscientific advice
has been applied to everyone but especially to our babies and growing children so now where did all this unscientific
advice come from was there a money uh interest behind people getting off uh
yeah so go ah so it starts with krisco so krisco is made out of cotton
seed oil and they figured out how to harden it so they could make candles out
of cotton seed oil and then electricity came along and Proctor and Gamble's candle business uh went bust so they
thought well why don't we just uh feed this to people and they started this huge campaign about how wonderful Crisco
was it was cleaner it was uh more scientific if you raised your kids on
krisco instead of lard they would be uh have a better character uh they
certainly would be less interested in sex because they weren't getting any cholesterol and this morphed into a huge
campaign to promote seed oils and at that time margarine and shortening uh
based on this phony premise that that it would protect you from heart disease and nothing could be further from the truth
is you know we've we ate six times more butter in 1900 and heart disease was
almost non-existent so as butter consumption went down the uh heart disease went up so do you correlate uh
the the so you do you correlate the rise in us eating seed oils uh with the rise in heart problems
right and cancer and problem with our children and kidney disease and liver
disease all of these diseases the body is not designed to function on such a
high level of polyunsaturated oils we should only get a small amount we get them in the food and we were designed to
eat animal fats and that's you talk about Weston Price that's what he found all of these cultures that he studied
where the people were so healthy uh they valued and prized the animal fats as s
Foods really so you you know you don't we've talked about cholesterol now the
midwestern doctor has found all the data and all the science and how where it all came from and uh he actually showed a
study that showed the correlation for every uh measure of cholesterol that your intake
of cholesterol went down your risk for all cuse mortality went up yeah I'm sure
sure because we we need cholesterol now you you can make cholesterol but why put
your body to the trouble why not just eat the cholesterol and and so there's been this you know this explosion of uh
dementia and uh of all Alzheimer's I
almost forgot the name of Alzheimer's isn't that ironic and um so um now I
know Dr Mel horta other PE I don't know that I know that the midwestern doctor his substack he can
statins with the rise of uh with an increasing dementia in Alzheimer's yeah
that's because the brain needs cholesterol a lot of cholesterol uh I can say you know there
may be some drugs that are useful and helpful but the statins should be yanked
off the market they do no good they are bad for you they're poison and the
doctors are paid to prescribe them if you're in a practice and you don't
prescribe the statins not only do you you not get your bonus but the rest of the practice doesn't get the bonus
either so there's a tremendous pressure on these doctors to prescribe statins to
everyone and if you say I don't no I don't want this Statin they say well you can't be in my practice I uh was advised
to start taking statins because of my cholesterol luckily I had seen a an episode uh a
podcast with Dr milort who's uh one of the leading cardiologists from uh the UK and he
talked about how uh you don't want to take statins he talked about that and
then i' read Midwestern doctor substack on on statins and cholesterol and I was
like oh my God this is another one of those things about you know you do don't
don't eat fat eat uh eat sugar right and uh well the sugar industry had a lot to do with vectoring the attention away
from sugar and uh towards the animal fats and the Western A price foundation
has been saying this since we were founded in 1999 uh and I've written two books on
this subject the the one that's in print now is called the nourishing
fats so the excuse me the word is getting out uh but it needs to get out a
lot more so there's a seed oil app I actually have on my phone really yeah so
it'll tell you the restaurants around your you know where you go if they use seed oils or not it's not perfect but
it's better than nothing and so uh let me this here's let me just show this uh
this is from the foundation you work with the Weston price foundation says February's heart month Public Service
Announcement you don't need to avoid cholesterol saturated fat or meat for fear of heart attack we do recommend you
eat pasture raised and wild animal foods and traditional animal fats such as
butter lard Tallow and Su what is Su so Su is the fat on the kidneys of a pig
and Tallow is the fat in a ruminant animal like a cow and Tallow is
extremely stable and it's what we should be using for french fries and we did use for French fries until 1980 late 1980s
when there was a big campaign actually funded by the soybean industry uh to get
all terrible cholesterol out of the food supply and the fast food people and the
junk food people they wanted that because the seed oils are so much cheaper but isn't factory farming also
poison Isn't So when you buy you know they feed them corn like I just found out so I was thought I was doing a good
thing by eating pasture raised eggs and then I found out that they feed those chickens uh soy and corn and so and so
now you it's it that has it's high in Leno acid it's high it's got the bad
stuff you don't want even though they're past your raised well let me say eggs are a good
food everywhere I mean they're not ideal the way they're raised here but my heart
bleeds when I go in the supermarket and see a dozen of the cheapest eggs for $6.50 uh this isn't right um and we've
got to get this this is a fundamental food for everybody for growing children
and we need to get uh the prices down at the same time we need to create awareness so that the consumer will be
willing to pay a little more for a soy-free egg uh the chickens have to have grain uh or they won't lay so all
chickens get grains um but there's plenty of other good fats in the egg yolks and if they're in the diet with
butter and and lard which that's what you should be cooking in is lard um you'll be getting the saturated fats you
need and and factory farming just seems in you know like in evil in fact I would
go so far uh so I when I eat uh steak I try to eat the uh the Japan steak or the
Wu steak a lot of fat the Wu yeah yeah and so those those are you know those
are animals that are treated humanely those are animals that aren't you know uh fed garbage and uh their their stress
is kept out of their life and uh so it's a healthier meat correct uh yes a much
healthier I I will say this that the move to pasture feeding while I applaud it uh has to go along with raising
animals that naturally get fat on grass you know traditional cultures never ate
lean meat if a Australian Aboriginal killed the kangaroo it was too lean they
threw it away it was rubbish and the American Indians hunted animals when
they were fattest because they wanted that hump of fat fat on the back of the
the buffalo so uh that was one cardinal rule in traditional cultures they never ate lean
meat so you want meat with the fat you want eggs with with the yolks you want
milk with the butter fat in it um otherwise the meat can can be harmful to
you and so and so what what how do you think is is is there a way we can get
back to grass-feeding animals and and get getting out of the factory farm business uh I think it will happen just
naturally something I call the natural selection of the wise the people who are wise to eat healthy meats and healthy
eggs and uh they will survive they will have children um and eventually I I this
sounds very cruel but this is how nature Works people following the dietary guidelines and I'm might have to add
shooting their kids up with um vaccinations these children will not
produce grandchildren we're already seeing that well of course you know the
the vaccine schedules recommended by the FDA and the CDC are super safe and
effective so I have to I have to push back on you and that and they've saved countless millions of lives so uh
they're just amazing all the vaccines and what what what do you think about um RFK and uh what his impact will be well
I wish him luck I think he's going to have a hard time y but as you say we
really have to find out about these vaccines especially when given more than
one at a time they've never been tested for this and uh they've actually never
been tested against a true Placebo so I I'd hope that Bobby will be able to do
these studies and open people's eyes to the fact that they haven't been tested for safety and the um vaccine
manufacturers um have no liability if your child gets sick or uh dies or
whatever the drug the vaccine makers aren't liable well of course the CDC and
the FDA would say the vaccines have been tested for safety and that they are super safe and effective and so that's
what they say and so I have to you know I have to give you the FDA CDC that's the science and what you're saying
sounds that's they sounds crazy um so uh but you know um Bobby Kennedy did want
in Trump's first term he said that uh um he wanted to have a vaccine commission
look into it a congressional vaccine commission yeah and Bill Gates put the Kash on that and I said why what are you
afraid of having a vaccine commission all we're going to find out is that they're safe and effective and it'll make people more likely to want to take
the vaccine so I say let's have a vaccine uh commission to look into them and then we're going to find out that
they're fantastic and that people and people will won't be vaccine hesitant the best way to get rid of vaccine
hesitancy is to have a vaccine Commission to look into all of it and uh then we'll find out that it's all
fantastic that's what I say I just got to go real quick here your dietary guidelines from the Weston Foundation
you eat whole unprocessed Foods eat beef lamb game organ Meats poultry and eggs
from pasture fed you know I don't eat pig I just just to let everybody I don't care how they're raised I don't eat pigs
it's my own personal thing they're very intelligent and they're smarter than dogs and stuff like that so I can't eat
a dog I certainly can't eat a pig but anyway that's me so you you'd have a hard time getting me to give up bacon
yeah well I I did it but anyway eat wild fish not farm raised yeah I try to do that so when you see Scottish salmon
that's farm raised right uh yes if it doesn't say farm raised on the package it's it's uh raised with in these kind
of pens with tons of soy and they're swimming in their own excr so if it doesn't say wild wild caught yeah that's
what you want wild c c okay eat Wildfish fish eggs and shellfish from unpolluted
Waters how do you know if the water's polluted yeah you have to be careful um our water is pretty good here in the
southern uh Chesapeake Bay so we we eat oysters and shrimp from well not shrimp but oysters and fish that's local and
wild cotton eat full m eat full fat milk products uh I do that we eat the I'm a
big heavy cream guy from pasture-fed cows I eat organic pasture fed that's it
uh preferably raw and or fermented wow so they're trying to get rid of raw uh
dairy products such as raw milk whole yogurt kefir I like uh my favorite is
kefir southernland uh cultured butter full fat raw cheeses and fresh and sour
creams that's I've been doing all that use animal go ahead yeah and you know this uh raw milk has just skyrocketed
I'm really happy about this uh we were the first to Advocate raw milk not past
D milk and uh everybody I know who's producing raw milk can't produce
enough uh use animal fats such as lard Tallow egg yolks cream and butter
liberally I do every time when I cook an egg I use a tablespoon of grass-fed butter per when I scramble it per egg
that's why your hair looks so good really yes okay well I do that uh plus I
have a filter on my shower that takes out all the chlorine and the
fluoride you become one uh um one of us yes obviously one of us yes use as in
the words of uh oh no I can't think of his name who's the wrestler professional
wrestler uh that I used to fill in for at RT in the words of in the words of Jesse
ventur why do why do I need fluoride in my water you don't use only traditional
vegetable oils that's extra virgin olive oil uh I say avocado oil those are the two I
like I like coconut oil too you say expeller pressed U that's that's the same thing
as cold pressed so cold pressed so they don't use so what the problem with a lot of problem with the seed oils is to
extract the oil from the seeds they have to heat it up four or five times yeah
and then and that makes it an unstable fat yes and then that that's bad that's bad for you that's like a trans fat it's
not good for you and those yes and those break down into in your body into alahh these very small molecules think form
alahh and what are the undertaking takers telling us today they don't need as much from Malahide for the bodies
anymore they're already pickled and that's from the vegetable oils so uh
it's funny that avocado oil is not on on this list why wouldn't you have avocado oil on it's fantastic was not around
when we wrote that list okay it's expensive but it's good especially and I get when you get your olive oil you
should get extra verg and I get it you can get it at Amazon you could get it at a place called
Market Hall foods that I got on online and I get it direct I get it directly
from Italy so a lot of the stuff you get in America is what they call adulterated
meaning that they have other oils in there that aren't extra virgin and in fact the um olive oil was the first oil
to be adulterated back in the 19 early 1900s and they did that with cotton seed oil oh okay and that's what they make
Crisco out of I just learned recently that cotton CED oil has a poison in it called gossip
Poole really yeah it's a poison and I'm wondering if all these deaths of from
chickens and laying hands isn't because they're giving more cotton seed oil
cotton seed today because it's cheaper well I'm just it's just a hypothesis but
um need we need to look into that do some science on that take cod liver oil
regularly to provide at least 10,000 international units of vitamin A and A th000 international units of vitamin D
per day I take uh a thousand uh every day eat fresh fruits
and vegetables prly organic use vegetables and salads and soups are lightly steamed with butter use whole
grains legumes and nuts that have been prepared by soaking sprouting or sour
leavening to neutralize phytic acid what is phytic acid well grains have a lot of
what they call antinutrients in them one is phytic acid which blocks mineral absorption the enzyme Inhibitors block
digestion and there's a bunch of very strong irritants in all grains and this
is the grains protective system to keep it uh from being eaten or to keep it
whole while it goes through the intestinal tract of the bird or whatever and all traditional cultures we find
this everywhere uh pre kind of pre- digest the grains to get rid of these um
components and sourdough bread is um a really good example and they did a study
in Italy where they took people who were diagnosed to Celiac uh gluten intolerant
and they gave them true sourdough bread and they didn't have any problem with it
so we're talking about um gluten intolerant I really think it's just grain
intolerance and the other thing about grains um is that they spray with
glyphosate just before Harvest so your grains really need to be organic how do
how do I know if my grains and nuts have been soaked well uh well you do it yourself
you do it yourself except in the sourdough you find a genuine sourdough bread we have a Shopping Guide where we
name brand names and you can find the brands of genuine sourdough bread and
what like what if I buy a a dried pasta is there is it too late yeah I would get
the first of all I would get the um you know the old cultiv the Ancient Grains
okay and sundried is what you want and there are um companies that are doing
this because that's a kind of fermentation process and frankly I just wouldn't eat a lot of pasta I'd take it
easy on the pasta oh really I love pasta I mean I wouldn't say never eat pasta but uh I wouldn't make it a staple in
your diet what about risoto well that's pasta I love risoto
that's a pasta yeah so um prepare homemade stocks from Bones of pastured
chicken beef and lamb fed non-GMO feed and wild fish and use liberally in soup stews gravies and sauces use fil bro
people yeah use filtered water for cooking and drinking use unrefined salt and a variety of herbs I I use that
Celtic salt right and it's got minerals a lot of minerals you don't be afraid of salt
yeah this is another tragedy uh pregnant women are told to eat low salt um when
they're breastfeeding and the baby food has no salt in it and salt is critical
for the growth and development of the baby I say add salt to the baby food eat lots of salt while you're
breastfeeding um the first uh weaning Foods we suggest are egg yolk and puree
liver add salt to that this is one way in which modern culture is way ahead of
tradition traditional cultures and we always have salt and many cultures they really had to uh work hard to get salt
yeah well they we they had they had Wars over salt they had Wars over salt I mean this is why the Romans wanted the Dead
Sea because it was a source of salt for their armies and you should make your own salad dressings use raw vinegar and
extra virgin olive oil or and uh a small amount of expeller Express flax oil now
I don't like flax oil because flax um lows your testosterone so I stay away from flax but that's just me well you
don't have to put that in if you don't want to yeah I just go just go with the olive oil use traditional sweeteners in
moderation such as raw honey maple syrup maple sugar date Sugar dehydrated cane
sugar sold as rapadura and Stevia powder okay what about monk
fruit I don't know about monk fruit I'm it's something new I'm holding off on
that a lot of it's highly processed oh okay but the point here is our diet is
not a diet of renunciation we allow sweet things we allow natural soft
drinks like kombucha and of course plenty of butter we allow meat grains it's all in our diet and um Pro part of
the problem with all these diets that people come up with is they're impossible to stay on you get cravings
and that I say you start with the puritanical foods and that pushes you right into the arms of the pornograph
Foods oh sounds filthy uh use only
unpasteurized wine or beer in strict moderation with meals how do you know if your wine is unpasteurized well most
wine is unpasteurized okay good but you want the tap beer that's unpasturized that's a food it's full of uh B
vitamins okay yeah there's and there's a lot of good beers out there what about I I like saki is that good uh well I'd say
be a little careful I drink the cold saki I like cold saki I don't know much about saki okay cook only in stainless
steel cast iron glass or good quality enamel that's what I use enamel use only
that don't you you know the non-stick stuff that with the it's not the Teflon not good oh my gosh not good uh I like
cast iron because it never sticks and yeah okay use only natural food-based
supplements get plenty of sleep that's the important thing exercise and natural light people don't be afraid of the sun
oh right by the way the sun sunscreens that they slather on these kids are full
of estrogens and have testosterone blockers in them yeah so I stay away I get uh you
know we've did a whole segment on it again the midwestern doctor has a a substack on this about how uh if you
stay out of the sun if you get sun you'll get uh what's the kind of what's
the kind of freckles melanoma no no it's it's the kind um basil carcinoma oh yeah and so
that's not deadly uh the survival rate from that after 5 years 100% And but
they scare you about it so they've conflated the kind of uh cancer that
actually skin cancer that does kill you with the kind that's not as deadly right so I'm not saying go ahead does kill you
is on your back or someplace that's right so normally you get that kind of cancer in a place where you don't get sun yeah that's again we did a whole
show on this I'm not saying that basil cell car uh carcinoma is good or it's not dangerous I'm saying that there's
another kind that's way more dangerous and don't freak out uh don't freak out
about the sun you should you need the sun in fact they've done studies where the people who got less Sun got more
deadly cancer so yeah you need you need to be out in the Sun every day if you can and one one final question is
expeller or press sunfly SL oil okay um I it's going to be very high in
Omega 6 yeah um not for General use yeah I me look you go out with your friends
give a salad in a restaurant every now and then uh we don't want to be so strict about our diet you can't go out
and have fun every now and then well uh I appreciate uh you coming on Sally
Sally fall and Morell every uh uh from the Weston what is it called the Weston
a price found yes yeah have a look at our website it's a huge website and
if you become a member you get our magazine membership is basically a subscription and we're in a huge
membership campaign right now so we'd love to have your memberships and you've become part of our family and then we're
building up to our annual conference this year will be in Salt Lake City in October well a lot of PE a lot of our
viewers have suggested that we have you on and uh talk about the West price foundation so this is a gift to our
viewers and thank you for very much for coming on thank you so much for having me helping us get the word out did you
know that in Cincinnati there's a restaurant by it's called Pacific kitchen it's right by the Go bananas
comedy club which they have fantastic food I ate there every night we were there uh with if they're they're not
they're getting away from seed oils if you order you know your shrimp dish it was probably made with coconut
oil uh they're fans of this show and uh now
they're suspect of seed oils too so that's the Pacific Kitchen in Cincinnati right by the Go bananas Comedy Club you
feel better about your stuff being cooked in coconut oil instead of seed
oil hey you've all heard about omra colostrum by now it's actually good for you I looked it up it's been the best
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Jimmy come see us on tour in Dallas Austin Baltimore Hartford Connecticut
Syracuse New York Atlantic City levit toown co-host and Providence Rhode Island go to Jimmy for the link