Big Black Cock Porn Smut Filth and Dr Sam Bailey on Penis Size

Big Black Cock Porn Smut Filth and Dr Sam Bailey on Penis Size

Does size matter? Dr Sam answers: what is the normal range for penis size and what is Micropenis?

Small Penis Syndrome (SPS) is the most common “problem” found in men. This is when a man has a normal‐sized penis but they feel anxious about their size. While micropenis is an unusually small penis. A general definition of micropenis is a length at least 2.5 std deviations less than the mean size. Specifically, when a non-erect penis is less than 4cm (1 ½ inches) and less than 7cm (2 ¾ inches) when erect. A true micropenis is actually quite rare, only 6 in 1000 men have this condition. Penis size is difficult to measure as there is marked variation within individuals. Size can be affected by:

  • Heat
  • Exercise
  • Anxiety

What is the normal range for penis sizes? Many studies have shown the non-erect penis size to range from 7-10cm (2 ¾ – 4 inches). Average erect penis size was 13-16cm (5 – 6 ¼ inches) in the same studies. There is also something called the “stretched penile length” can also be used to determine the approximate length of the penis when erect. Is there a difference in penis size between countries? Average penis size is fairly consistent between populations although Korean penises were smaller on average in a 2003 study. Concern about penis size: Mens’ concerns about their penis size is really common: Male genital self-perceptions in a 2005 Canadian meta-analysis study, 415 males:

  • Only half of men (51%) were satisfied with length of non-erect penis
  • Most (83%) were satisfied with erect penis length
  • 71% satisfied with overall size of their penis

Interestingly, males feel happier about their genitalia appearance in comparison to women! Does size matter? Several studies have shown that 90% of women prefer a wide penis to a long one. The issue of attractiveness to women is complex, but most data suggest that penile size is much lower down the list of priorities for women than such issues as a man’s personality and external grooming. Is penis size related to fertility? A 2018 study suggested there may be a correlation between smaller than average penis and infertility. However the design of the study has been criticised. It should also be kept in mind that with regards to infertility – usually there is a rule of 1/3rds. In ⅓ of couples it’s a male problem, in ⅓ it’s a female issue and in ⅓ of cases a clear cause cannot be found. Also, if it is a male problem it is more likely to be due to an issue with the testes or a hormonal imbalance. So it seems that penis size is not a major factor with regards to male infertility or potency.

There is lately a phenomenon in the Zionically controlled porn, smut and filth realm called “BBC” or Big Black Cock. It is a focus on massively oversized penises; alongside is a phenomenon called “cucking” or “cuckolding” which leads into various fetishes such as voyeurism, wife swapping, “hot wife” and numerous others. BLACKS ON BLONDES website promoted previously by shock-jock HOWARD STERN is one such website focused on BBC pornography. BLACKED is another one. There are many more.

One feature of BBC porn is the embedded implication designed to make normal men feel inferior as a step towards humiliation, then feminization, ultimately abdication and sterilization. BAD BLOOD is a book that explores the horrific Tuskeegee negro male syphillis experiments undertaken by the Public Health Service (PHS) for decades. PHS publications reveal funding source as Zionic and purpose in no small part as discovering how to increase penis size whilst reducing sperm production and ejaculation.

E MICHAEL JONES has identified the technique more generally as LIBIDO DOMINANDI. Dr Lasha Darkmoon website had excellent articles. Dr Henry Makow website has excellent info. CONSPIRA ORGanization website also has excellent articles.

CURTIS DUNCAN youtubes have discussed the role of endocrine disruptors.

JEANICE BARCELO has some excellent information regarding pornography, Satanified birthing process, fatherhood, etc.

No less than Obama’s science czar JOHN HOLDREN co-authored a 1,400 page textbook “ECOSCIENCE” that detailed numerous ways to sterilize (and thus depopluate) the hapless masses by secretly poisoning the public water supplies. ZOMBIETIME site has excellent quotes.

Male frogs in Maryland’s Potomac River were found to have been androgynized and made to give birth due to contaminants. Florida Everglades alligators are said to have on the whole measurably shrunken penises presumably also due to endocrine disrupting chemicals.

It has been widely and repeatedly reported that human male sperm count is perilously low and diminishing.

Julian Moore has played top-paid movie roles in which the youngest person on earth just turned 18 (indicating genocidal depopulation).

Nicole Kidman has played roles in which she sexually kisses naked 10-year old boys in bathtubs.

The Catholic church is by now profoundly exposed as a terrible molester of youth via its priests kept unnaturally bound and tortured from necessary fruitful procreation.

There is no question many aspects are severely distorted. Penis size worries are one aspect of this monstrous and important tarbaby.

TOXI site has many articles on these topics, interlinkings and much more relelvant.

I once read an AMJ article that stated that average size of American men was 4.5″ to 6″. It also said that women are were on average from 5″ to 7″.

My previous partners were all hung up on their size and the fact was they were all about the same normal range. And when I’d hear women say size matters all I could think is what bull crap. If a women liked a humongous penis she must really be stretched out is all I can imagine.

Brings a whole new light to “short man syndrome”

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The article you referenced discusses various aspects of penis size, including medical definitions, societal perceptions, and the portrayal of Black men in pornography. Here’s a summary of the key points:

Medical Definitions and Statistics:

  • Micropenis: Defined as a penis length at least 2.5 standard deviations below the mean size. Specifically, a non-erect penis measuring less than 4 cm (1.5 inches) and an erect penis less than 7 cm (2.75 inches). This condition is rare, affecting approximately 6 in 1,000 men.
  • Average Penis Size: Studies indicate that the average non-erect penis size ranges from 7 to 10 cm (2.75 to 4 inches), while the average erect penis measures between 13 to 16 cm (5 to 6.25 inches).

Men’s Concerns About Penis Size:

  • A 2005 Canadian meta-analysis involving 415 males found that only 51% were satisfied with the length of their non-erect penis, whereas 83% were satisfied with their erect penis length. Overall, 71% were satisfied with the size of their penis.

Does Size Matter?

  • Research suggests that 90% of women prefer penile width over length. Factors such as personality and grooming are often prioritized over penis size in terms of attractiveness.

Portrayal in Pornography:

  • The term “Big Black Cock” (BBC) is prevalent in pornography, emphasizing Black men with large penises. This portrayal perpetuates stereotypes of Black men as hypersexual and animalistic.
  • Such depictions can affect men’s self-perception, leading to feelings of inadequacy.

It’s important to recognize that pornography often exaggerates certain traits and does not reflect reality. Concerns about penis size are common, but studies show that most men fall within the average size range. If anxiety about penis size persists, consulting a healthcare professional or therapist can be beneficial.

Big Black Cock Porn Smut Filth and Dr Sam Bailey on Penis Size


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