SEED OILS VEGTABLE OILS OMEGA6 The Food That Is More HARMFUL Than Sugar Do not Eat This Dr Cate Shanahan

SEED OILS VEGTABLE OILS OMEGA6 The Food That Is More HARMFUL Than Sugar Do not Eat This Dr Cate Shanahan

The 9 Worst dietary oils, ingredients —

“OK” Oils —

  • OLIVE OIL – considered okay for eating
  • AVOCADO OIL – considered okay for eating, cooking
  • COCONUT OIL – considered okay for eating, cooking

“Vegetable oils are the worst [dietary component] that kills us.” ~ 15:00 in

SEED OILS VEGTABLE OILS OMEGA6 The Food That Is More HARMFUL Than Sugar Do not Eat This Dr Cate Shanahan

SEED OILS VEGTABLE OILS OMEGA6 The Food That Is More HARMFUL Than Sugar Do not Eat This Dr Cate Shanahan

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