Human Aura Biofield Chi Qi Personal Atmosphere w Eileen McKusick
We are electrical beings, entities, existences.
Our personal field holds an ‘encoded’ representation of our memory.
Energies 15-20 feet away from person may encode ‘past lives’, ancestral information, etc.
Something like electromagnetic tree rings?
Emotions and experiences have specific waveform signatures.
The article “Human Aura Biofield Chi Qi Personal Atmosphere w Eileen McKusick” delves into the concept of the human biofield—a field of energy and information that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body. Eileen McKusick, a researcher and practitioner in therapeutic sound and biofield science, suggests that this biofield holds encoded representations of our memories, emotions, and experiences, each possessing unique waveform signatures.
McKusick proposes that imbalances or disturbances within this biofield can manifest as physical or emotional ailments. To address these imbalances, she developed a therapeutic method known as Biofield Tuning, which utilizes tuning forks to detect and correct distortions in the biofield. This process aims to restore harmony and balance, potentially alleviating various health issues.
The article also references a case study where a practitioner employed Biofield Tuning on a client suffering from PTSD due to a workplace accident. During the session, the client experienced sensations corresponding to the trauma, such as tingling in the hands and face, and stomach discomfort. These reactions were interpreted as the client’s gentle re-experiencing and processing of the traumatic event, leading to a resolution of PTSD symptoms.
In summary, the article highlights McKusick’s perspective on the human biofield as a repository of personal history and the potential of sound-based therapies like Biofield Tuning to promote healing by rebalancing this field.
Have been doing the biofield tuning for about 5 years now, its amazingly powerful, , it also gave me the push to go even further into healing the mind and trauma . I have trained in EMDR and EFT matrix , re-imprinting . In these modalities you have to go back to those memories and work through them so you can process the unprocessed memory. It was after learning this and whilst working with a man with PTSD , who got PTSD after getting burnt to his hands and face by an explosion at work. When I hit the part in his field when the event happened his hands and face started tingling and his stomach was churning, almost like he was reliving the experience , which is a way he was but in a gentle enough way so he could process it , he no longer as PTSD. The reason I learned EMDR and EFT – matrix was to change the beliefs about yourself that you form during trauma , especially at a young age. Biofield tuning is still my most powerful therapy, and great for getting the client into a more settled healed state so I can go work on the negative beliefs a lot easier than if I went straight into those memories with EMDR .

Biophotons. Body essentially light.
Chemistry is secondary or tertiary.
4″ out
10″ out
2 zones of taffy-tackiness.
Eckart Tolle calls it the ‘pain body’.
Discharging of the energies; reintegration for usefulness.

No bad or negative experiences; just that they fit into the bric-a-brac for each individual and modulate (and are modulated by) the whole field of experiences…the vibratory pattern of nodes all interaffect-ed and -ing.
Biofield tuning lets us go back in time and retune energies, move, sooth, reintegrate.
okay so what this is is I'm going to draw for you the the biofield and and
talk about the premise of this model and what we're doing because it's really
different than I think anything else that's out there so uh the human bof
field so we've got a a body and you know that's been our
Paradigm our current Paradigm basically says that your Consciousness is inside your brain that actually Consciousness
is an epiphenomenon of brain activity uh which is actually highly illogical because when did a thing ever precede
the thought of a thing right it doesn't ever happen the thought always comes first and then the thing comes after
that so what I find in this in this culture in the standard model is that basically everything is backwards or
wrong but um so the idea is is that uh what we call the aura or the human
energy field in 1994 uh the National Institute of Health
um termed it the biofield and the biofield is technically the field of energy and information that surrounds
and interpenetrates the human body that is composed of electromagnetic frequencies and also subtle or what they
call putative which means rumored to exist uh subtle energies and we see this
What is the Biofield
as a a toroidal shape so does everybody know what a
toroid is kind of like a donut uh this is a a pattern that
repeats itself in nature so um we see that just like the um you know the Earth
has an atmosphere and it is bounded by a magnetic layer so we have the inner
layer is called the ionosphere and the outer layer is called the magnetosphere and this is an area of Greater
electrical charge and what that does is it protects us from too much solar radiation and too much cosmic rays and
things like that it's very important and it bounds our atmosphere and you know we all learn in elementary school science
that this area of Greater charge uh creates a boundary of sorts so things
like radio waves or what we call the Schuman resonance actually bounce off of
it and creat standing waves in the atmosphere The Sun Also has one so um
the Suns is called a heliosphere and that is what defines the outer boundary
of the solar system and at the outer edge again we have this area uh this is
part of what happens in plasma is that it forms these double layer sheaths with
this additional charge at the outer boundary so we launched Voyager One and Voyager 2 and they were cruising out to
the outer you know the outer reaches past the last planets they were traveling at a particular speed and then
when they hit what they call the heliopause they actually slowed down because there's a greater mass of electricity there greater density and so
that their speed actually slowed so this is a fral rendering of the same idea
that the human body is electrical just like the sun is electrical the Earth is electrical things have a magnetic field
around them so we see this outer boundary of the field as a double layer plasma membrane and it's about H it's
about an inch and a half is how I perceive it so just like we have these
standing waves within the Earth's atmosphere we appear to have these standing waves within our own fields and
what I have discovered is that these standing waves are magnetically or even
like what it seems to me to be like binarily encoded with our memories so as we go
through our day and we have um physical Sensations we have emotions we have
thoughts that these these all get recorded in our field and they move away
from us as we generate them so information that we find in these waves
that is close to the body is current or recent information we find at the outer
edge of the field relates to uh within this boundary relates to gestation just
inside the boundary is birth and then we have infancy so if this person is 60
information we find exactly halfway in their field relates to what happened to
them at age 30 okay stuff that shows up out here Beyond you know the outer
boundary of the field appears to be um I find ancestral information I find the uh
emotional circumstances of parents preconception and sometimes we have the
experience when we're working of actually being pushed away from the body
uh and you know I've ended up as far as 15 or 20t away from people depending on where I'm working and encountered
information that appeared to relate to past lives however the past lives that I
identified were already in the awareness of the person in which I identified them
meaning that they already had some kind of regression or experience so that past life was already in their psychic
landscape I've never been pushed out to a supposed past life that they did not already have exposure to um this is all
hypothetical we don't necessarily I don't really teach past lives we don't really go there that much but if you ever do have the experience of being
pushed away from the body that is what you may encounter you may also encounter relevant things from a grandparent or
something like that but for the most part in biofield tuning we're dealing with the we find the outer edge of the
field and then we move slowly in towards the body now when we go through some
kind of traumatic experience um you know let's say you find out your partner's been having an affair and then you end
up going through a divorce that's a very traumatic experience on a lot of different levels and so that's going to
cause you to generate incoherent waveforms and so these and so let's just
say that our 60-year-old person here um went through that when they were 30 and
so what you're going to do is when the fork comes into that part of the record it's almost like the fork is like a
needle on an album and as it moves through the record of Our Lives it
broadcasts the information that is there and it broadcasts it in this very pure
language uh I was very surprised to discover in my research that every
emotion has a very specific frequency signature that it produces for example
fear has a very pulsing quality it's got this kind of Bo kind of quality and so
when you get really scared and that waveform takes over your body what happens you shake right you start moving
with that waveform and um I was surprised to discover that animals when they feel
fear they produce the exact same waveform and even a plant that I worked on that was afraid right you guys know
that story from my book that the plant was actually giving off the same frequency so this is the fundamental
nature language of nature is vibrational and it appears to be Universal that all
of creation everything you know flora and fauna all um you know feels in the
same language this a very very pure language so when what we find also in
addition to these this turbulence or perturbations or pathological
oscillations have a bunch of different names for it that you will also encounter a sense of resistance and and
The curious phenomena
this is a curious phenomenon you know when I first started encountering this it was so puzzling to me I was like this
feels like stuff right this feels like I'm There's an actual substance here and I think everybody who learns is sort of
stunned to have that experience the first experience when you're kind of moving the fork along and all a sudden you get stuck and it doesn't want to go
any further and it's a sort of odd you know it's like whoa what what is stuck here and that was one of my big
questions with this work is what is the stuff that I'm encountering and how is
it that I'm actually able to move this stuff with a tuning fork because from the very beginning I discovered that I
could find these areas of uh increased volume and and a sort of density and
that the tuning fork would act like like a magnet and move it and so I started searching sound is magnetic you know
years ago and never came up with anything until just last year when I came across a study the group of
scientists actually figured out that sound in a particular frequency range uh has magnetic properties and a tuning for
technically produces an infinite number of overtones so you might have a fundamental frequency of 174 Hertz but
you also have that * 2 * 3 * 4 * 10,000 so it's going all the way up into the
inaudible range of sound that's produced so any tuning fork is going to produce
that magnetic quality uh so I also learned about
biophotons and how um you know that the body is essentially light we're all
taught that it's chemical and mechanical and that everything that happens in the body is some kind of chemically you know
initiated process um but you know what the science of the last few decades has been revealing is that we're it's all
light and electromagnetic signaling that it's far faster and that's what underlies the chemistry of our bodies
when an organism is under stress it actually will emit biophotons out of the
systems so biophotons want to be conserved they want to be in the body um
but if um you know they have these biophoton cameras and counters and what
they've observed is that if you take uh something and and you score it with a knife for example like a mung bean
sprout I think I have a picture in my thesis uh you see it sort of leaking light um if whereas if you take like an
advanced meditator and you put them in front of the camera they're actually not leaking light at all so when I realize
that the these perturbations were consequences of stress and that there seemed to be energy trapped in them um I
I form the hypothesis that what we're dealing with here is biop photons but it's also um a form of plasma so just
like we're talking about you know magnetic field electric currents and magnetic fields we get into the realm of plasma and uh I came across the work of
Victor and yunkin who talks about the human energy field as a kind of bioplasma so basically what I've come to
see it as is a diffuse magnetic fluid basically and um that and this is just a
a a form of that mostly As light because when we take this energy and we put it
back in the body everybody says the same thing what do they say I feel lighter right I feel lighter
everybody says the same thing I feel lighter so it would make sense if you're saying I feel lighter that this is
trapped light when I first started working out in the field and it was Dawning on me what I was doing and what
I was moving I was like well this is really similar to the shamanic concept of Soul retrieval right and in in a soul
retrieval is sort of based on the premise that when a person undergoes a traumatic experience that they don't
have the wherewithal to process at that time that a bit of their soul breaks off
and actually stays there and it's the work of a shaman to uh use their um
active imagination through the process of journeying to go back in time and find that soul fragment retrieve it and
bring it back to the body and then the shaman will either blow it or place it back in the body and I was like wow this is like Sonic Soul retrieval like I'm
finding these Soul fragments and I'm restoring them back into the body it's
almost like defragmenting a hard drive you know and if somebody has had a lot of trauma in their life and they had a
lot of ancestral trauma they're going to have a lot of fragments in their fields and then their life is going to reflect
that it's going to be chaotic it's going to be stressful um so what the tuning
The tuning fork
fork does when it comes into this area
is it starts to take this chaotic waveform and it begins to bring it into
a more harmonious expression it starts to become more of a sine wave and less of a tangle or a snarl and in the
process of that the light that is trapped there is able to decouple from
it and then the tuning fork becomes again it's like a magnet or a broom and it's able to take that little cluster of
light and restore it back into the body and so we use the chakra system the idea
that at each of these places in the body there is a nerve
plexus and that as we bring that energy in it is absorbed back into the body and
then it goes to where it needs to go um when when my kids were little and before
I started teaching students I was always trying to get my kids to work on they were like six and N or seven and 10 and
uh you know cuz I used to have really bad chronic midback pain so I was you know trying to train them to work on me
and I asked my son I think he was six or seven at the time I said what are we doing in this work and he said we're
taking energy from where it doesn't belong and we're putting it where it does belong so it can get to work doing
what it's supposed to do which is just such a brilliant description because that's really what's happening you know
when we when we have all of these Stu stck things from a traumatic birth or the chaos of our parents when we were
younger or you know incidences like this we just lose ourselves this is entropy you know it's a very entropic process
and and we're not we don't have the gumption to be creative or to be spontaneous or to be playful or to to
keep things clean you know we might have pockets of clutter all over the place or just kind of Chaos in our lives but when
we start restoring the energy back in the body suddenly you have the energy to get things done I can't tell you how
many stories I've heard of people who you know get sessions or series of sessions they go home and they clean out
their closets and they they start writing that book or you know they they quit their job or they get out of their
toxic relationship and they begin to move forward in their lives so it's an Incredible Gift to be able to give to
people to give them back themselves which is really what we're doing is restoring back you to you igniting your
potential as as a human being um so the the process is simply
one of finding the outer edge of the field so we come in we find the outer edge of the field we evaluate what's
going on there because this is the person's just station in their birth story birth stories are incredibly
formative as far as how we go on to manage stress or respond to stress so we
hang out there we evaluate it you know what's going on does the energy want to move is it ready to move is it a bit of
a hangout spot and then we you know we do this click drag and drop thing with your intention you connect with the
energy and then you just start to move in towards the body and you go slowly
and you're just listening and feeling for what's going on when you get into a hangout spot uh you you know you stay
there until it resolves and then you keep moving and you know come and we do
this what's called The Adjustment so you get everything up but one of the things that happens is we're coming in towards the body is we have what I call um The
The 10 inch zone
10inch Zone which is you know how in in uh
traditional esoteric renderings of the field you see this gradation right of so it's dense in close to the body and then
it becomes lighter and finer As you move away in biofield tuning the only aspect
of that that we encounter are two gradations there's what we call the 10-in zone and then the 4in zone and um
you do actually perceive a a difference there so when you hit the edge of the 10-in Zone
somebody described it once as you know it's cruising along in fourth gear and then all of a sudden I had to downshift
to Second it's like it just becomes steeper it becomes more dense um and it becomes a little harder to get through
when you get to the forch Zone The forch Zone between 4 in away from the body and the body the magnetic field is so dense
that it just traps whatever photons you're cre bruising along with I must see as like you know little CN enemy
fingers that that you know as you approach them they they just latch on to whatever it is that you've been dragging
along so we avoid the 4in Zone we don't even go there we just slide right up and over that 4in zone we do we drop the
energy into the chakra and then we engage in a process that I call mixing paint so the idea is is that you know
the body is one tone and then we've brought in this other tone and we need to spend time integrating that until the
third tone emerges so if you've ever you know mixed two gallons paint together in a 5 gallon bucket you know you have to stir it for a while for that third color
to emerge so that's what happens as we're hanging out there we have the
intention that we want to move up if the person is lying down on a table we dropped in we integrate and we want to
move up into the third stage which is called coling and there's a curious phenomenon that when you're mixing paint
um the body will actually hold you there and if you start to pull up you'll almost feel like you have like a little
fish on a hook that's pulling you back down again so the fork will actually be held towards the body until that
integration completes and then it will release and since you're holding the intention of going up all of a sudden
your fork will start to drift upward but then we encounter another phenomenon I'm not going to draw the side view as we're
as we start to move away from the body where we actually find that in the zone between the body and the front edge of
the field that it's very thick in there too and that the process of just lifting a fork up through the air is actually
like surprisingly difficult and so we call that pulling Taffy because if anybody's ever made Taffy and it's kind
of an East Coast thing um but it's you know you have to like stretch it and stretch it in order to make it as part
of the process and and there's very much this feeling like you're you're pulling something um so the point of that the
whole reason why we do this column is that if you think of all of these places in the field where you've got you know
these perturbations and this stuck energy as uh as your pain body what eart
totally calls your pain body you know everything that makes you uniquely you all the suffering that you've been
through and most people when they refer to themselves refer to their pain body
don't they right that you know we tend to think of self as these are all of my wounds and my limitations and my lack
and my stories of suffering and blah blah blah but when these start to dissolve right so we we start to unplug
or discharge so we're going to you know erase that all together and and we're going to I mean obviously on a
particular level you know um you're indelibly imprinted with your life
experience there's no erasing your memories right but what we're essentially doing is we're changing the
way that the body refers to that memory and we're dis charging it right so let's
just say you know in your regards to your relationship with your dad your dad was an alcoholic you know and you just
have mad chaos all in childhood from dad cuz he was just so hard you know and you've got and you've got all this
charge in here it's really really tough so that every time you see your dad you're like oh you're all lit up with
that charge but as we come in and we start to smooth that out and we discharge it we're discharging that
experience so that you may actually be able to show up the next time you see your dad after you've had a few sessions
and not have charge around him and be actually able to be in a neutral space
so we unplug or discharge the pain body and then we plug into the unified field
into the now so this is the premise of why we do the cuming because we're
opening up a pathway of energy and information flow that is directly running from you to the present moment
so that you can respond appropriately to the moment instead of react
inappropriately based on all of this information in charge in your pain body
and it's an incredibly liberating experience as people start to enter into a sense of flow and into playing in the
present moment then they far all these Tangles that we have you know all the tangles they intersect other people's
Tangles and create C fluffles pretty much right our our Tangles intersect and
we Cur fluffle and so as you detangle your field uh you have far less Cur
fluffles in your life and everything becomes a lot easier becomes a lot easier it becomes a lot more focused it
becomes a lot more instantaneous and you really start to enter into a state of flow um you know which is what everybody
wants we want to be in ease we want to be in flow we don't want to be you know um stuck in you know what I call the
left-and ditch which is where you know we're tolerating uncomfortable situations because we don't feel safe
letting go of them but we're experienc a chronic sense of frustration over unmet needs powerlessness sadness unexpressed
self and worry about the future right that's the left-hand ditch anybody spend time in the left-hand ditch and then we
have the rightand ditch which is you know things are hard we're blocked moving forward we we're engaging in sort
of guilt driven overdoing all the time in order to feel worthy but you know
we're angry but we're suppressing that anger with alcohol or sugar or too many
carbs um we're saying yes when we mean no we're putting other people's needs ahead of our own uh we're speaking and
not being heard we're not being seen for who we really are right so those are all
that's all the sort of right hand ditch and when we bring all this energy into Center and into alignment suddenly we
start coming from our authentic place our flow of who we are so that's the basic premise Michelle
did I miss anything I think um you might want to talk about um positive language and that we're not bringing that
negative into the body great that's a really good point okay so one of the things that we aim to do in this work is
Avoiding value judgments
avoid value judgments we don't look at these experiences as bad or negative and
the reason why we don't do that is because when people go through these
kinds of experiences in their life and things tend to come in clusters I call them storms where like everything
you know when it it Pour every when it can whatever is going to go wrong is going to go wrong right everybody's had those experiences where it's just like
oh my God this and then that and this and that and so you end up with these you know really turbulent times in
people's lives but when they come out the other side of those experiences you're able to reflect on it what do you
generally find that you've become a better person from it that you've become more
compassionate that you've grown youve become wiser that you've learned right so that even when life you know is
handing you some really difficult things you rise the occasion you make it through it and you become a better
person as a result so we can't say that that was bad because it produced an
outcome that was positive for you right that's saying that uh life is like photography we develop in the negative
and we do you know that it's it's the difficulty that we encounter that that causes us to grow so when we go back and
we we're working you know we're really we're doing in biofield tuning is we're going back in time and we're able to to
treat things at their Source Point you know there's nothing else that I'm aware of where you really get into the birth trauma and you're really working in the
vibration of that birth trauma you get into these experiences so what we're doing is we're helping to neutralize
that the energy that we are decoupling again is not negative or bad or gross or
shameful or any of that it's just light it's just neutral light and we're bringing it back into where it belongs
okay so we're not and in the process of that now especially if there's a lot of
emotions that were suppressed around that experience you know my kids were little and I had to work and I I and
there were so many complex emotions in that experience that I never really even dealt with a lot of them you know I just
had to keep going so all of those emotions that might have been generated but unexpressed have ended up in the body so
we know from the work of Candace per uh that anytime you experience an emotion
that there's actually a molecular component to that so A molecule of emotion is generated now it is the
destiny of an emotion to be expressed and if an emotion is generated and it's
suppressed with busyness or it's suppressed with alcohol that emotion does not go away right there's a book
called feelings alive feelings buried alive never die and that is the truth okay so they're all there in that part
of the record but they're also in the body they're also in the body they're hanging out in fat cells or liver cells
or whatever and as soon as we take that we discharge it from the blueprint the the cell goes oh little molecule of
anger what are you doing here you're not in the blueprint anymore and it'll pop it out and it goes into circulation so
people might have you know waves of emotion come up and through but they move through and then they discharge so
um you know so it's it's kind of stimulating it but it's not just triggering it and and it's hanging out
there it's it's activating it but then releasing it from the system so it's just discharging that out so we don't
Emotional constipation
look at anything as like there's no value judgments on any of it it's just life right and everybody goes through
these things a lot of people have shame around their emotions now the fundamental thing we are treating in
biofield tuning is emotional constipation the these are all all these things that you encounter are almost
always charged with some kind of emotion and we're going to help that emotion to fulfill its Destiny so emotion is a wave
it's generated it rise up it crests into our awareness and then it falls away and then as we learn that emotions aren't so
scary and aren't so bad we start to enter into a fluid relationship with them where we just allow whatever
emotion is arising to arise we find a way for it to express itself in a healthy way and then move on and and
that is part of getting unstuck is learning to allow I remember somebody
sitting on my table one day and saying I know I shouldn't feel this way but and I
was like stop right there like you can't help the way you feel your emotions are important you know we'd all be lepers of
some kind or another if we didn't have emotions every emotion is a valid emotion anger is not a negative emotion
anger is a valid emotion rage is a valid emotion you know it we don't want to
judge any of these emotions and tell them they're bad and they have to go away they're there for a reason they're
there to keep us healthy and safe okay so we're working working very lovingly
with all of these things with without a state of judgment so um you know and another thing that I just want to talk
about when we're talking about language is that um a lot of people who get into
um any any kind of healing there's a a kind of Catchphrase about raising your vibration we don't use that in biofield
tuning we don't talk about raising your vibration um or ascending right there a
big part of the new age story is that um that is very much um a lot of people
who've had trauma tend to disassociate they tend to kind of go up and out their body so when you're talking about
raising your vibration or you're talking about ascending that's kind of following that pattern of kind of going up and out
they're like oh this world is so unpleasant I just want to go up up and away right well what we want to do in
bofi tuning is keep you in your body we want you embodied we want you grounded and we don't see higher as better right
all the whole range of frequencies that exists are all part of creation and
we're not seeking to raise our vibration we're seeking to clarify our vibration
we're seeking to cohere our vibration we're seeking to raise our voltage the
more the more coherent we become the more electricity we can run through our
body the more power we have and we want to be powerful we want to be able to be
a force for good and a force for Change and a bright light in the world so so if power is a dirty word to you I want you
to reframe that and think about you know maybe I know a lot of people have these like Soul imprints where they're like oh
I was powerful in a last life and I abused it now I don't want to be powerful well we need light workers to
be powerful and to be grounded I want your boots on the ground right here right now not waiting for some kind of
Ascension when you raise your vibration okay that that's all point on the horizon stuff so we want people to be
empowered grounded clear coherent right that that's what we're aiming for we're
not trying to raise anything except the amount of carrying capacity for voltage in your
system good all right did you want to talk about how the practitioner
interacts with the sound and maybe sound isn't the yes that's a good one too okay so um when I started doing this work I
really noticed the sound and I think part of it was I was really in a quiet space and I was really struck by the sound and so when I started teaching
I was kind of emphasizing the sound piece but what I've learned and I'm up to like 700 students at this point is
that most people's primary pathway especially when they first get up to work is not through their ears okay so
what I want you to be paying attention to when you're working is first and foremost your breath because when you
get into one of these you're going to hold your breath because when we're
under stress that's what we do we hold our breath you know when you're dealing with your alcoholic father what are you
doing when you're 7 years old and Dad's raging through the house you're holding your breath you're trying to disappear
okay so you start working on somebody's alcoholic dad record you're you're going to stop breathing immediately right so
the first thing that you notice is your diaphragm and your breathing we do a huge amount of breathing in this work
the moment you're like in that stuff and it's a little weird it took me
a while to be ble to be like all over be but you have to you have to there's just
no way around it um so the first thing you notice is your breath the next thing that you notice is what you're feeling
in your fingertips what are you feeling because when you get into an area where it is where there's resistance or where
there's turbulence you feel it you feel it you also want to pay attention on
what you're feeling in your body are you feeling anxious all of a sudden if you're feeling anxious all of a sudden a lot of times people it's their first
time up they think it's them it's not it's that you're in a place of information that is anxious you might
suddenly feel sad you might suddenly feel exhausted okay because their information is informing you so you
really want to pay really close attention to that then the last piece that you want to be concerned about is
sound now in biofield tuning there's four sort of primary sounds that we learn to
identify um one is alarm so if you get into something where you know somebody was in a car accident there'll be like
this this really high pitched kind of sharp edge to the tone um another is
depression so depression actually has an undertone it's got like a mo that's underneath it uh there is also sadness
which actually sounds sad you know how you know how in music a minor third sounds sad when you're listening to sad
music and you're like oh that sounds sad how do you know that sounds sad is it your
Intuition or is it just the fact that you're human and that sounds sad it makes you feel sad right that's what we
do in this work you're not psychic you're not even really intuitive you're just using your ordinary senses in the
same way that music makes you feel a particular way like scary music makes you feel scared like anxious music makes
you feel anxious it's the same thing music is approximating this language all
right and it's a language we all know um alarm sadness depression aniet
anxiety fear yeah fear and anxiety which have like a pulsing thing but there's no
way in my experience to force you to hear this and and sometimes in the past
in training people get frustrated because they want to hear they want to hear um the hearing comes in time that's
all I can tell you is that you will learn in time you will have an aha moment in one session where you're on
the left side of somebody's heart chakra and you hear this and they start talking about how they're depressed and you're
like oh my God that's the sound of depression and then it becomes part of your language or you'll get into fear
and you'll recognize it um but you can't force that so please don't get frustrated or impatient around what you
hear or what you don't hear keep your attention on what you're noticing and move from there okay it's just really
important the only other thing is um that biofield tuning is body work you
know it's it's not necessarily sound right energy it's energy work yeah so I
mean Battlefield tuning is I mean it actually crosses a lot of disciplines you know there's there's a lot of
disciplines here we're dealing with psychology because we're dealing with people's minds right we're dealing with the mental aspect we're dealing with the
certainly the emotional aspect um we're dealing with the physical aspect a lot of times we can help get people out of
pain you know a lot of pain is just tension related and this is very much a kind of targeted nervous system
relaxation um we worked with somebody not that long long ago who had some kind of terrible accident here you know way
back here the guy was 75 and he had all of this pain in his left hip and as soon as we discharged that from like when he
was like 20 all the pain in his hip went away right so um so we work on the
physical level we work very much on the ancestral level uh so much I find you
know people people come in with depression people come in with anxiety you know babies are not clean slates
they are totally preloaded with programming of their ancestors I call it ener gentics it's
the tone of the song of our DNA that the DNA we inherited has this these emotional aspects that's all programmed
you know it's not just eye color and hair color it's it's it's the tone people you know if people are depressed
they have that tone and we inherit those tones and the trouble with a lot of new age practices is that it sort of you
know tells you to change your thinking change your life and then when you go through all this training and this and
that and you're trying to change your thinking and you still got this going on then you feel guilty you're like I've
done all this work I should have cleared this by now and they don't realize that the root of your depression goes back
for generations and has been moving along in your in your DNA ever since and you're trying to pull up the root in
this lifetime so we're really able to shift that the tone of the DNA we shift
it we rewrite the music this very very cool the fact that we can go back into
the ancestral record we can change the way that the music has written we can you know change the birth story
vibrational pattern in the body that that birth to three stuff where you're you know pre cognitive that's informing
you with beliefs you formed you know if you were one of those people who uh mom
was knocked out when you were born you were pulled out with forceps you were bottle fed muck on a schedule you've got
all kinds of stuff you've got chronic frustration over unmet needs you've got chronic lack of satiation you've got a
belief that I'm crying and say saying I'm hungry I want breast milk and a boob
right now and they're like oh no you've got to wait you know another 2 hours according to schedule before I give you
your bottle of muuk you know and you're like oh well my needs aren't important right and then so you've gone through
your whole life believing that I can speak my needs but no one's going to respond to them and my needs aren't important it's just a belief it's just a
story that was formed way back here and these are the kinds of things that we can interrupt and help shift for people
very fundamental level and very quickly too you know this stuff happens in three sessions very very profound things
happen very quickly in this work I've had person after person say to me we did more in three sessions than I'd done in
years of psychotherapy because we get right into it we get right into the story and we shift it right from there
yeah thei is like ancal stream yeah the ancestral river is um something that it
runs about 10 in so you've got the Mom's spot and the dad's spot that are 10 in
off the body and so the ancestral river runs along that it's on the little map you can take a look at it it's on the
left side so there is a really super faint one on the right but we seem to get a lot more genetic information from
our mother um you know and I I don't find it on the right very often but I
definitely find it on the left and you don't always encounter it sometimes you know you're coming in and all of a sudden you're like whoa I feel like I've
gone into some kind of a you know a valley here and um and if it's relevant
it will be so in the ancestral River Upstream is your ancestors and downstream is your Offspring and just
sticking a fork in that River affects both the past and the future there's
also ancestral information in the outer boundary of the field too yeah that's
different than the 10 in zone it runs right along the side of the 10-inch Zone yeah exactly Yeah you mentioned the
valley um a couple times when I was playing I actually got a place it felt
like boy there no energy there yeah that would yeah those can show up too so
Energy vampires
sometimes you'll get into a place and the sound will just drop right out of the fork so I've noticed that can relate to a if a time a person was really sick
or if a person almost died and their life force started to fade out or if they are in a relationship with an
energy vampire somebody who was like actually feeding on their energy um I found that people who have been put on
riddlin and Aderall actually had their fields become like swiss cheese where they're actually they're just like have
holes in them which is very disturbing um but you can actually fill them in so
when you get into a place where the sound disappears you just keep staying there and the body will fill that in
with energy the sound is like a uh an adaptogen so if something is running too
low and too slow it will help to bring it up and if it's running too high and too fast it will help to settle it down
uh somebody in my last class asked me well you know can you use this to treat bipolar and I was like well first of all we're not meant we're not doctors so
we're not psychiatrists we don't really even try to use terms like that what I
see in somebody who's quote bipolar is they have a lot of high tones um they have a lot of like anxiety you know or
or uh intensity that's up high and then they have a lot of low tones you know they have like sadness and depression
and they're just missing the midtone range and so what we do is we help to settle down that High stuff we help to
bring up the low stuff and we help to strengthen that mid-range you know the mid-range is missing in everything in
our culture it's missing in everything everything has become polarized it's divine and Conquer we've all been
divided and conquered into either or and and and this kind of polarization and in this work we're coming into the center
of our bodies into the center of our beings into the center of our tonal range and and that is what brings about
balance the strengthening those midtones yeah and strengthening the the midline of the body that neutral midline
yeah so when you go out past the field and find something out there do you just
do it in your mind because the room is too small yeah I mean space definitely plays
a role in it you know sometimes you can if you're pushed like to your wall you
can be like okay whatever is on the other side of that wall you can use your mind to draw it in and then pick it up
from there yeah intention is everything here it's really actually very magical
you know in realizing just how much our electrical thoughts affect the diffuse
magnetic field of reality and how when we set an intention we're actually manipulating that field it's really
magic and the more intentional you become the more powerful focused and magical you become but there's a science
to it it's just that science has Tak an ether out of the equation which makes things like distance healing like spooky
action in a distance you know CU there's no mediating factor and it's as simple as putting the ether back in the
equation The Ether is the one it's the underlying ground state it's all one thing so the ether is aware of what's
Happening Here and what's happening 10,000 miles away instantaneously because it's all one thing it's not it's
not I don't know it's just really it's a really simple explanation we don't need to talk about quantum entanglement right
quantum entanglement is is this is the the using different language that's still missing the fundamental piece of
that underlying medium of connection which is The Ether I think the ether is the most elegant solution into all of
how these pseudoscientific or metaphysical things work there is nothing about this work that is
metaphysical or paranormal or even Quantum you know this is basic Newtonian
physics of resonance and entrainment the tuning Forks initially resonate with whatever perturbation is present and
then because it's producing a strong signal of coherence it entrains the body into a coherent expression it's just
basic physics so you know but but people are missing you know the this idea of
the plasma and the bioplasma and um you know this idea of the standing waves
when we kind of put all this model in here then it makes sense but I want you
to understand that uh this is just a hypothesis okay this is a working model
and that the whole biofield anatomy and the way that we've defined these regions you know just like they they're mapping
the brain uh and finding that different areas of the brain do different things so we've I've mapped the field and I figured out that different areas of the
field whole memories related to different things this timeline stratified thing um it's one person's
subjective experience and so we're not going to call it fact we're just going to call it a model that we work with but
students are always stunned when they go home and they start working with the map and they find out just how accurate
especially the timeline piece it's pretty stunning and and everybody has the same experience you know the
hundreds of people who've been trained everybody has the same experience they go and they're like find the birth traum oh what happened at seven oh that's my
parents got divorced I mean it just shows up over and over again it works it works as a model it works it might not
be fact but whatever it is it's a model that works good all right any other questions
said you go to the edge of the field how do you know when you've reached the edge of the field so you know that that's a
Edge of the field
good question and the edge of the field is kind of slippery territory um what we do is we intend to find the edge of the
field somewhere in 5 to 6 foot range away from the body and and it's the fact
that that Edge is slippery that makes me wonder about things you know and that's part of our research study is Will three
practitioners find the same phenomena um around the same body so you know are we
going to find the edge in the same place are we going to find the perturbations in the same place and that's what what we're doing and we don't always you know
we because we because the field is it's a dynamic system and we all know that
there's some people that we get around that they make us feel expansive and there's other people we get around and they make us feel contractive and that
all happens at a subconscious level so you know from a practitioner standpoint somebody lying blindfolded and
earplugged on a table is going to have you know three different practitioners come in one at a time and and examine
where's the edge of their field but they you know they're going to sense The energy they they might contract or expand so it's not the easiest thing to
study but we did do a pilot study and the my team of scientists were excited
by the data and felt like it was sufficient to move forward with so we'll
see where it goes yeah just not sure how ining with but so the
biofield then you know is dynamic like you said so a practitioners coming in
with already the intention that the field is going to be set at five or six feet it's transferred to the person
table exactly they bring it in to where yeah I mean my husband's field one the very first time I learned how to use
Dowsing rods
ding rods and we were outside and I was like playing you know with my boys and and so my husband you know I like going
in the five six foot range and they cross which means no go back I'm like going back and back and back finally I'm
like 30 feet away from him before they finally open up I was like dude he's like
yeah I'm huge and he is but you know when he's on a treatment table we have
to have it be we have to shrink it down into this size right and and the field is you know when people are sick it gets
smaller you know if you're standing in an Earth Energy line or a lay line especially the double layer membrane of
an Earth Energy line your feel gets much bigger so you know it is it's a completely dynamic system um but we have
to have it be manageable in order to be in a treatment room yeah good can you
discuss is this a standalone modality so I think that biofield tuning is um best
Biofield tuning with other modalities
when it's used with other modalities uh you know you can you can certainly do it as a standalone modality often times if
I do three four or five sessions on somebody I'm going to say now you need some body work you know go get some
myofascial release go get some cranial sacral go get a massage I mix it up I get a lot of massages and I find that
you know when I receive a really good tuning that I want to go follow that up almost immediately with a massage because that's going to really integrate
it into my tissues um most of this work has been developed on people like us not
on people who have serious chronic or degenerative diseases um you know if if
people are uh pretty sick and they want to get well they need a team they need a team you know that's all there is to it
uh and and biofield tuning works great with Chiropractic um with massage with
acupuncture although I wouldn't do acupuncture and biofield tuning on the same day um if you're working with
somebody who's under the care of a homeopath you need the homeopaths permission first because homeopaths don't like like people messing around
with the energy of their clients so that's something that you would want to
um you know double check on as far as drugs go if people are on
anti-depressants anti anxiety pain meds um thyroid meds uh that's not
contraindicated but we have found that the process goes slower when people are on meds um I've seen a number of people
have to cut back or even get off their thyroid medication people do you know that thyroid medication is the number
one prescribed medicine in this country thyroid medication what does that tell you about people's throat chakras you
know what it you know what it is there's all kinds of stuff out here and not a lot of stuff going on right there cuz
most people ear at Liberty to speak their truth and most people don't speak in resonant midtones if you speak in
resonant midtones like this you vibrate your thyroid most people don't do that if you tone or sing you vibrate your
thyroid we don't do that anymore you know humans used to sing together all the time and now we don't uh so there's
a lot of stuff going on out in the world that sort of undermines the throat chakra and undermines that but when you
start getting this in and people you know one of the consequences and these guys will all say it one of the
consequences of receiving this work is you start speaking your truth you know and you don't that's just becomes your
lifestyle is that you become a truth speaker and you're not going to live any other way um so you know obviously we
don't make any suggestions about medicines that people are on we don't diagnose or anything like that um we
just you know get them to let their their practitioner whoever diagnosed them and gave them a prescription to
know what they're doing and they might have to adjust their levels of anything that they're on accordingly yeah have you done any work
with anyone with ly yeah yeah they have some pretty significant deto um but again you know they need to be on the
Benefits of hyperbaric oxygen
right kind of diet I found that hyperbaric oxygen really help helps um
getting that throat chakra in order um you know it helps it helps with a lot of
things there's certain things that it doesn't help with nerve damage um it doesn't help with um chronic long-term
serious addiction or depression um those things need a lot of
other you know the multi modal approach is best for anything um but it works
beautifully for anxiety uh for a lot of types of pain digestive disorders
adrenal fatigue insomnia overthinking stuckness stuckness is
probably the biggest thing I treat really you know because we just we just get stuck like let's just say your whole
life you know your mom and dad were always like you know you were like I want the chocolate ice cream they're like no you have to have vanilla you
know I had one client who was like want to go to Harvard and they're like made him go to Yale you know so if you're constantly being thwarted you know you
have a natural inclination and then you're being blocked once these factors go away then you're going to start
blocking yourself and you're going to have this whole story of like not being able to move forward with your truth
right but when we come in and we you know do that all of a sudden you're like whoa I can move forward whoa I'm not
self-sabotaging whoa I'm getting stuff done I'm finishing projects right because we've just erased that that's
Mass you know these things these photons stuck in the field are mass I mean people why it's so hard to change is
because you literally get himem in in your own field and it's just so hard to get out so you really you know you
really help people to be able to move forward to where they need to go good
Michelle you think we're good that's a wrap you're good all right okay wait when