Change the Air Interview with Mold Medic Air Quality Expert Michael Rubino

Change the Air Interview with Mold Medic Air Quality Expert Michael Rubino

Michael Rubino is a renowned air quality expert and wellness advocate, dedicated to addressing the health impacts of poor indoor air quality. He is the founder and Chairman of HomeCleanse, formerly known as All American Restoration, a company committed to tackling the global health issues arising from indoor pollutants. Additionally, Rubino established the Change the Air Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on promoting healthier indoor environments. He has collaborated with over 100 doctors worldwide, assisting more than 1,000 families, including celebrities and athletes, in overcoming challenges related to mold exposure. Rubino is a council-certified Mold Remediation Supervisor by ACAC and IICRC and actively contributes to the Indoor Air Quality Association. He is also the author of “The Mold Medic: An Expert’s Guide on Mold Removal.”

In a recent interview on the Autoimmune Doc Podcast, hosted by Dr. Taylor, Rubino delves into the critical connection between indoor air quality and health, particularly concerning autoimmune conditions. The discussion highlights how environmental factors, such as mold and other airborne contaminants, can act as triggers for autoimmune responses. Rubino emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing these environmental contributors to improve health outcomes. The conversation also touches upon various aspects of mold contamination, including its identification, health implications, and effective remediation strategies. Rubino’s insights provide valuable guidance for individuals seeking to create healthier living spaces by improving air quality and mitigating mold-related issues.

Chemtrail watchers have found all kinds of mold, organics, poisons in the aerosolized assault that is near-daily in most major metro areas. WASH DC akies are routinely whitened; “They” are best able to predict the weather when They actually make it. Somehow still disbelieve? Weather Modification is a COMpany that anyone can hire. Check out “TOXI”.

Consider also that disease can be fomented if not transmitted by electromagnetics. RF radiation now all around most people is quadrillions of times higher than 30 years ago.

INVISIBLE RAINBOW book by FIRSTENBURG alerts to near-direct correlation betwen major electrifications (5G would count as major, as does power grid, military radio comms, mci cross-country microwave relay, marconi radio, etc) and outbreaks of disease. We are electrical beings. THE BODY ELECTRIC is an excellent book. A COMpany called “TOXI” runs an excellent site about electrosmog and many other toxins.

Change the Air: Insights from Mold Medic Michael Rubino on Indoor Air Quality

In a recent interview, air quality expert Michael Rubino shared crucial insights on the impact of indoor air quality on health, particularly concerning mold exposure and autoimmune conditions. As the founder of HomeCleanse and the Change the Air Foundation, Rubino has dedicated his career to improving indoor environments and helping individuals overcome the health challenges posed by airborne contaminants.

The Hidden Dangers of Indoor Air Pollution

Many people overlook the quality of the air they breathe inside their homes, unaware that mold, bacteria, and other pollutants can significantly impact their well-being. Rubino emphasizes that poor indoor air quality is a growing public health concern, often exacerbated by modern building practices that reduce ventilation and trap harmful particles indoors.

Mold Exposure and Autoimmune Conditions

One of the key takeaways from Rubino’s discussion is the connection between mold exposure and autoimmune disorders. Mold spores can trigger immune system dysfunction, leading to chronic inflammation, fatigue, respiratory issues, and neurological symptoms. Individuals with existing autoimmune conditions may experience worsening symptoms when exposed to mold-contaminated environments.

Identifying and Addressing Mold in Your Home

Rubino outlines essential steps to detect and mitigate mold problems:

  • Look for visible signs – Water stains, discoloration, and musty odors can indicate hidden mold growth.
  • Test your air quality – Using professional mold testing services or high-quality home test kits can reveal contamination levels.
  • Improve ventilation – Proper airflow reduces humidity and prevents mold growth.
  • Invest in air purification – High-efficiency air purifiers with HEPA filters can help capture mold spores and other pollutants.
  • Remediate properly – Simply cleaning with bleach isn’t enough; professional remediation ensures mold is thoroughly removed and prevented from returning.

The Path to Cleaner Indoor Air

Improving indoor air quality is not just about mold removal but also about adopting proactive habits to maintain a clean and healthy environment. Rubino advocates for regular HVAC maintenance, dehumidifiers in moisture-prone areas, and non-toxic cleaning products that prevent chemical pollutants from accumulating indoors.

Final Thoughts

Michael Rubino’s expertise underscores the urgent need to rethink how we maintain our indoor environments. With growing awareness about the link between air quality and health, prioritizing cleaner air at home can lead to better overall well-being. Whether you suffer from autoimmune issues or simply want to breathe easier, these insights provide a roadmap to a healthier indoor space.

For those looking to dive deeper into the subject, you can check out Michael Rubino’s book, The Mold Medic: An Expert’s Guide on Mold Removal, or visit the Change the Air Foundation to learn more about improving air quality in your home.

Change the Air Interview with Mold Medic Air Quality Expert Michael Rubino


all right what's up this is Dr Taylor and this is the autoimmune doc podcast and this is another one that you know
it'll be on podcast app and be on audio but I'm also here with Michael Rubino on video so we'll put this on our YouTube
as well but Michael Rubino is just I don't know how to describe you Michael but a world-renowned expert on air
quality so I'm going to introduce him in a second but Michael just say hi to everybody just so they you know can hear
you and know that you're you're here today with me hey how are you I I don't to describe myself either so you know I
don't blame you there so so you know just you know Michael and I don't know each other so I was just you know kind
of introducing myself but who I am Michael I'm a functional medicine doctor you know I treat mold so you're very
familiar with the type um and but big part of my mission is really to educate
people on the the underlying mechanism so I talk about that a lot on my podcast
and my podcast is is centered towards autoimmunity because I have Hashim and I
have autoimmunity so I see a lot of autoimmune people but the question even with autoimmune whether it's ra or Ms or
Hashimoto the question is what's what's driving it and so if you're asking those kind of questions you you quickly come
to the conclusion or that mold is at least a driver or air quality is so
educating people about that is part of my mission and also part of yours too uh
and it's not just mold but it's everything else you know with regards to Wildfire smoke or some of the things
that are just a little more trendy right now but also still super super important so my takeaway of Michael would be that
you're you know basically a professional air quality expert who's really you know one of the best in the world if not the
best in the world on just getting the the word out there you know so you've been on a lot of podcasts spoken at a lot of things but you're also just great
at the education piece meaning you know some of the the your websites the design
is great the education is as far as like you know really breaking it down for a lay person that's like what is mold is
mold a problem and then really getting into the deep science between you know is it a particulate is it an organism is
it you know the toxin byproducts and just stepwise fashion so just that's just a kudos to you as far as literally
like the design my wife's a graphic designer so like I appreciate that good design but it's also helps educate
people better so you've got amazing websites you've got a couple different
you know business entities and things like that that we'll talk about You' helped start some organizations to help
educate people you offer some testing options and some actual remediation services and so it's just really really
good and I would just say Michael too that you're clearly passionate about educating people just like I am because
I think that understanding the mechanisms just helps people find their Solutions better and another thing we
have is we have your book I was going to bring it to show on here but we we have a lending library of books that we lend
out to people so of course yours is rented out right now but I I do have your your I'll send you some more I love
that yeah so so and professionally too I just the last thing I want to say before I introduce you is I just want to say
I've got a ton of experience and again not to say that I know everything because nobody does but just again a lot
of experience of thousands of stories tons of Home tests you know with regards to our local testing guy and and
somebody actually getting specific samples of rooms but also you know play testing dust testing and all that
meaning too there's there's pros and cons to each of these things there's good better best there's budget question
there's all these things but you know there's hery there's Hertz me there's microtox sins there's Sears there's
organic acids you know binders glutathione SAA you name it and so we've got a lot of experience with all those
things I personally had a big mold issue myself so like a lot of people in this business it wasn't really the start of
how I got into this it was kind of like after I was into this but I had a big big mold issue I got rid of nasal pops
with using essential oil so I know you just had Don Dennis on your pod recently Don Dennis is our guy with you know we
carry the EC3 products all the things sinus wise um so I've had my own
experience and then I also had another issue at my office that I just think is interesting to mention before we get going but where I was I knew something
was making me sick and so and I'm a mold guy and it's so like it's mold it's mold it's mold it's mold and it was long
story short it was from alahh you know I got a from alide meter it took me like two years to Circle in on this and I wasn't like super sick I just had a
runny nose but it was I got a from alide meter and it turned out to be from alahh so I'm also intrigued to ask you about
like the what else's because I think there are a lot of what else is um and
there are a lot of opinions that are out there of like whether things are good or bad and I think that the point is it's
not always like yes you should use this or no you shouldn't use this but talking about the use and the application and
what we're aiming at and what we might expect from that but there's a lot of again things that can be used in the in the indoor airor and even sitting in
this room even right in front of me I got a an air scrubber I got a fogger I've got a ionizer and so I just dabble
with all of these things so I like to hear from the experts like yourself about well here's why you should or
shouldn't use this or here's what I like Taylor or whatever else but so tell us Michael just a little bit about yourself
and maybe your your intro you've got quite the pedigree you know with your background your wife's background and
some things like that but tell us about yourself maybe how you got into you know the air quality world yeah I mean my
dad's been a restoration contractor since I'm five years old so I've been around construction my entire life um
Hurricane Sandy happens in the Northeast uh right after I pretty much moved back home after college uh started
working with him started going into people's homes and that's when I started noticing a pattern of people really
being sick I mean um the amount of people I came across that had were were sensitive to their environment I'll
never forget This Woman's home that I walked into where she literally was so sensitive to EMF and radiation she
didn't have microwaves I had to leave my cell phone in the car um I used to write things up with an iPad back then I
couldn't bring the iPad in I had to go and get notes and and pens and you know it it really opened my eyes to something
I was completely oblivious to and one of those things was that our houses could make us sick um and all of these people
were dealing with all these different all different types of chronic conditions that they only started to
experience directly after the storm and the water damage had hit hit their homes and so it became pretty obvious to me
that there's a big Missing Link here um a lot of these homes were supposedly already remediated I mean I saw the the
proposals that people and the Scopes of work that people performed but yet they were not feeling better and so that's
really kind of how my career started and it just was this um I would say obsession with trying to solve a problem
that turned into a passion for trying to really scale a solution um and that's
you know kind of where we are today it's we know the problems there uh the work that I that I've done earlier on in my
career and studying a lot of the works of of great uhu people out there that have already you know kind of carried
the torch before me uh you know it's it's that that process and that research and really taking that information
which is essentially lab data and then how do we apply this in the real world and through that experience I've really
kind of you know been able to tailor a process that I'm focused now on scaling because the end of the day you know we
all realize the the great brevity of the situation well we need solutions for that and uh that's where people like you
and I come in you know we we need to fix the home obviously get rid of the exposure and then fix the body and
that's another thing I always want to make clear to people I I know people think I'm a magician but I'm not a
doctor and so you do this is a two-part equation for sure yeah and I think it's you know everybody has heard the old
metaphor but we draw the bucket you know we talk about hey you can't be you got to you can't be filling the bucket from
the top so that's the environment so whether that's you know mold or Foods or whatever it is and then emptying the
bucket is a separate part of the equation but that might be detox or binders or whatever else and I think
there are some ways that this can be you know scaled of some generalizations but there's also just a lot of individual
nuance and that's where it comes into you know some specifics of your basement is different than my basement or things
like that but I love that word scaling because that's exactly what I can see from a distance is like you're taking
this message and making it a little more accessible and understandable to a broader market and they still have to
take the action steps and it's still tricky even if you know all your puzzle pieces it's still really tricky but I
love that I also want to just touch on some of the things you said too because you know like the EMF sensitive person
you know to somebody that's not familiar with that or you know I have friends who are maybe in the construction industry
they would think that that sounds crazy but you see it time and then you see it again and you see it again and I think
that's again the world that we live in is you see it time and time again it's like holy crap there is definitely something going on here and you're
looking for it as you said you're looking for like well why this person is clearly sensitive why and then we're
working backwards from there instead of going in and being like yeah your home's clean for you to purchase you know as a
home inspector or something like that your goal is looking more for well why is this person sick um but I but I love
that so and I want to touch on that for a second talk about whatever you know when I when I started ringing doorbells
and walking through people's doors and and meeting them face to face and sitting down with them at their kitchen counter and they told me what their
problems were right um in that moment I was you know a guy who supposed to be their remediator potentially right
um I'm somehow their therapist right it it comes very personal and very emotional very quickly
but you you touched on something about this like this this craziness right I
had when I walked into This Woman's home and she was dealing with you know EMF sensitivity when I walked into other
people's homes and they were dealing with my multiple chemical sensitivity when I walked into people's homes and they were telling me that they were
convinced their home is making them sick there was never a thought that crossed my mind that that person was not telling
me the truth right yeah and so I think that was really like I was it it I was
open to it and I think you know I was in my 20s at the time I'm in my 30s now I'm approaching approaching my 40s here and
I I was very open to what it was that they were convinced that it was so much so that I became obsessed with trying to
figure it out yeah yeah and I think that's that's what made things so differently we have the iicr cs520 it
gets better and better every time it's it's updated and released you know we had we had some Frameworks on what to do
and how to fix a home but it was that obsession with trying to understand why
was this person struggling and you got to remember too like back then this I'm
talking like 2012 of course we had there was a terminology multiple chemical sensitivity EMF sensitivity but it
wasn't very it's it still today isn't commonly accepted right and I tell
people too that because I've heard it said that mold science mimics cigarette science in the 60s but it's moving
slower so it's we've come 2012 not that long we've come a long way but it's not
progressing that quickly but sorry to jump in there but yeah no so I think the point is like I I had to be open to it
and I'm so glad that I was open to it and I wasn't you know one of those people that just says it doesn't make
sense I've never heard of this before and just kind of blew it off and and it was through that where I started
researching and by researching and becoming obsessed with this it's started to see I mean today I can tell you I'm
sure you would agree with this but the the breath of this how much this impacts
human health across a large scale I think is inconceivable at this moment I
think the research we have is the tip of the iceberg and we we need to as a
civilization we need to demand to walk through this door and conduct more research just the other day I talked to
a toxicologist okay speaks at a university tells me they Michael I do
not think mold is significant the toxicologist and you know look I think
human health is comp complex right there's a Confluence of factors to consider but I believe this person is
fundamentally Incorrect and I think we've gone too much into this the dose makes the poison perspective I think
we're too much looking at things in a in a lab setting through a vacuum and not taking other factors to to be considered
about personally I think the quality of air we breathe is one of the most important things for human health and I
think not only is it one of the most important things for human health it's also the most overlooked item in
addressing human health I completely agree you know it's and I wanted to kind of drive that point home because I think
we you know forget forget where we are we've never been sicker than we are today think we can all agree on that if
we're looking at the right statistics and metrics the bottom line is where could we go tomorrow and I think we have a
tremendous Opportunity by continuing to hyperfocus on the air we're breathing the food we're eating the water we're
drinking and supporting our bodies through testing not guessing right and
understanding what's going on with with our bodies because we're all Unique Individuals right and some of us we're
going to need more help in some areas and others and I think the more we look at it from that perspective and stop
trying to look at everything in you know as as as across the globe um I think
we'll we'll be in better shape and so you know wanted to to get that off my chest he always very passionate about
this exactly and I completely agree and I think seriously you know we're just going to ping pong back and forth about all these things because even that
toxicologist you know first off that that boils my blood a little bit but obviously we deal with it all the time but it's like what are you going to say
to the family that I just saw who has 11 so I saw this family they have 11 kids they found they have all this mold they
didn't follow remediation advice they started ripping stuff up every single one of them flared they had to move out
some of them were like hospitalized before I met them and it's like what would you say that that's fake you know
it's like there's there's 13 of them in that house so you see it in and I tell people too you know spend a day in my
office and you don't believe that it's fake you know you you see these stories over and over and over again and I also
too see people let's say around you know you and I's age and there might be let's
say in the construction industry his and they start they're starting to have symptoms I saw this guy recently and
he's like man I used to think the people that talked about mold were crazy but now he's having all these
heart issues and all these brain issues and he's had this high armmy and dust test and this this he's starting to put
this evidence together he's also in the uh um um what is it development world
the development world so he spends a lot of time in these old buildings and he's like he's on the east coast and he's like man these old buildings they're not
as bad as is like my apartment that's new and airtight and so all these things that are that you and I hear all the
time it's like it's interesting to see somebody's learning process as they go from completely oblivious to like oh my
gosh this is making me sick and then it's like oh my gosh this is making a lot of people sick and I think that the piggybacker one of the things you say
you know diet exercise you know environment is on our radar for every everybody you know we talk about diet
and exercise and which one's more important blah blah blah but I think that air quality trumps all those and I don't there's many people that are
saying that we're all breathing air we're all breathing you know all the time more so than you know eating food
three times a day and things like that and there's toxins in the food there's toxins in the water you know we don't sell plastic bubbles but breathing clean
air is to me the most important thing um so yeah I appreciate your your mission
behind that too um tell me about you know even with that you know next question like what about change the air
as a as a foundation and the mission behind that and just kind of your involvement in that and the maybe even
some of the resources that are available too which I know is a lot but yeah I
just did a YouTube video yeah I don't know like a month ago and it was before you know I don't know if we had the
scheduled yet or not but it I I just been talking about some free resources that we share with people in my clinic and some of them are from change the air
and I give credit of course to everybody some of them are from we inspect some of them are from you know things I've done
Dennis or other things I've downloaded but we try to send these people this this educational content just so don't
go in with bleach and a in a in a spray bottle you know bleach and kills but
what about change the air as a foundation kind of the purpose and Mission behind that yeah so basically
change the air Foundation is it was a dream of mine I mean if you read my book uh the mold medic and experts got on
mold removal um when that came out in 2020 um you know there's I I mentioned
the the foundation in there and that at that point it was just early stages you know in my mind as a concept and I ended
up meeting two key people Brandon Chapo and Kendra Seymour who are the co-founders with me um for change the
air foundation and uh it was one of those like super organic interactions
right I happen to see an article about Brandon and Brandon got really sick in
Ohio in a building and you know most people we get sick and we're like
desperately trying to get better right and just you know moving on we just want to move on and you know live life again
not Brandon Brandon decided to be a change maker and go in and literally
call his his his congressman and congresswoman and drum up uh literally
change in the form of a bill um and I forget the name of the bill exactly off
the top of my head I think it was the Ohio safe Indoor Air Act don't kill me if I butchered that I apologize
um and when I saw this I was like I have to get in touch with Brandon because
this is literally something that I had invisioned that could be done literally as a an entire arm of a nonprofit and so
um Brandon and I end up connecting over Facebook Messenger of all places and um through time we we really started to
build shape around you know bringing you know coming together and forming a foundation it was at that time that
Brandon then introduced me to Kendra and Kendra has this amazing Facebook group
that she's still part of today that she moderates and is just kind of one of those she she's a a school teacher at
heart because she literally has teaching experience and um she illuminates things
uh me the way in which she's able to shed light on information and help people um overcome a lot of this
misinformation through that group was so inspiring and I said said look we have a real need for Education right because
education and awareness go hand inand and people need access to information for free um and there's only so much I
can do as a person it's a lot more we can do building an organization together right and so um we brought together
through education policy reform and obviously the third bucket is research uh which is another critical point of
this uh we're able to create a a foundation which is now called change the air Foundation a 501c3 nonprofit and
we've been in existence for over two years now uh we did our first summit um you know a couple years ago now uh we
had glenneth palter on there and and deepo Chopra and some some really cool names at Christina Perry um who I had a
personal relationship with that believe in the mission um and we were able to to bring you know some some really amazing
experts on that and talking about some some important topics um not something that we're going to be doing every
single year but it was to have this to have to bring people together that you know to talk about this topic was was so
you know important for me and um the foundation in in past two years we
passed a bill our first bill in Illinois actually and uh which my state which is not really known for being I don't know
super forward in a lot of ways but it was awesome I was kind of surprised when I got that in my email inbox I was like
oh Illinois you know did something you know worth noting um but that was awesome first Domino to fall you know
we've got 49 other states and and this is just like phase one right so it you know bills bills are notoriously
difficult to pass obviously I'm sure you can imagine and um you know it's you
can't put too much in a bill too quickly because change is scary right and so you start to get a lot of backlash and push
back so um what we're trying to do is obviously introduce um meaningful changes that can continue to exist and
be hopefully adapted over time um we also uh did a a re really a meta
analysis project sort of called the policy brief and it is a policy brief um the policy brief really put together a
lot of information that you know it it existed before it's not like we it was Earth shattering information or anything
but to have everything in one place to really understand the economic harms um and of course we have you know limited
by what we could actually say because of the limited research that exists right so a lot of the numbers are going to are
are kind of leaning more towards what our economic burden is because of asthma because that we do know is caused by
mold 22% of the cases um and so through that and we show how much economic harm
we have from ignoring this issue across the country um the economic burden is
pretty significant and so obviously we have to look at it from this perspective what do we need to invest in America's
infrastructure to prevent the type of illness that we have and you know again
being limited by the existing research that exist out there I think the number
is much much larger right um I think the economic burden that it has in this country is is crazy big uh probably
inconceivably so yeah and so you know we got to start somewhere and I think the the the entire idea of you know funding
that initiative was to be able to show politicians in every state look this is
the cost the cost of ignoring this and sweeping under the rug and making horrible recommendations like telling
people to use bleach or paint over it this is what you get yeah and so you know I think it's when we're talking
about politics we need measurable outcomes right and so these this was something that was um really really
important uh for us to do as as an organization and to put out there and I think you know it's it's it's out there
right so not just our organization but any organization can use it um and and we encourage that because we want this
information out there and we want to make a difference through that and so and that's something that I can see just
as a third party you know from a distance is like it's free it's there's no hook to it it's not and even you know
again there's business entities involved and I treat mold people and you help people with their mold situations but
it's just it's educational content that that brings shines more light I guess on
the problem I mentioned earlier that I've heard that mold science mimics cigarette science and it's moving slower
but you think about it to to somebody like you and I we know it's a problem we know the burden is you know uh
incalculable but it's like it's hard to cause or it's hard to show causation
it's even hard to show correlation because there's all kinds of different mold situations there's all types of air
quality situations there's all kinds of Health you know things that can come from that downst stream and it's really
really hard to link the two and I think that what you guys are doing is instead of being you know one person just
shouting it from the rooftops which can sometimes draw a crowd you're thinking like well how can we actually make
change and that starts at the grassroot level of you know putting that putting these plans together like you're saying
and I think that now just seeing you know even some of the fruits of your labor meaning like some policy reform
and policy change it's really cool but again for me and not knowing anything about this you know from a political
side of things and so like that I've Just Seen change the air in the last couple years just start making waves you
know even just in the the lay person community and in the educational community and certainly in the treatment Community um but you can start to see
that with what's happening you know Wise too and that's with limited
funding I mean I just want to say that so you know the more people that support
the foundation right the more energy that we all decide to give to the foundation the more the foundation can
do and it's it's not rocket science right we can only do so so much with the money that we're we're we're given and I
I personally give a a significant portion of money and help bring a lot of resources into the foundation but I'm
just one man you know and I always want to make that clear it's like we need all the help we can get you know um set a
meeting with Brandon set a meeting with Kendra I think you'll get to really see the breath of the organization by doing
so and you know it if if what the organization stands for aligns with what
you want to contribute to and how you want to see the world change you know by all means contribute and I think that's
why we do contribute as human beings to nonprofits because we we we we enjoy their mission we we root for them and we
want them to succeed and so you know we're kind of in the same the same way I mean you know the there are business
units that I have as a person right and so when I look at my overall Vision the reason that I wanted to create this
Foundation I'll speak for me I don't want to speak for Kendra and Brandon but I realized that I personally was never
going to be able to solve this problem one house at a time right home plans exist as a solution to a problem and
that's a a company that I'm scaling to be able to actually scientifically data
driven solve problems in people's homes so that they have the best chance of outcomes right that's what that company
exists to scale the dust test that I created again that company exists to scale help people understand and screen
their homes up front so that they can as a diagnostic tool can make better decisions and then so they can also
track their progress over time right because I don't care what Journey you're on it's a journey and creating a healthy
environment is a journey too I be I just renovated my entire house when I bought
this house and uh about a year and a half in I had a freaking leak right
luckily I caught it quickly I was able to repair it it cost me a few thousand dollars it wasn't fun wasn't excited
about it I had to move everything out of my kids playroom is a disaster right yeah but at the end day like no house
doesn't matter what you do is going to be bulletproof and you're G to have issues and so like being able to kind of
have tools to monitor those issues I think is really important and I think when we take those those businesses and
those tools that I put it's part of the overall vision of having solutions for
people that could scale that people can depend on right at the same time like
change the air Foundation is completely separate this is part of the vision that for me it needs to exist I'm chairman of
the board today right at some point my term's going to be up there's going to be other chairman of the boards and that
I'm hoping that this organization outlives me right and continues to solve this problem across the the world when
you guys are thinking long term like that too and and you have to and I think long term about about every organization
I'm part of because at the end of the day it's like this idea of trying to help people through nonprofits and
for-profits and creating vehicles for people that could are Dependable right I think that's that's really important I
mean if you have a remediation company that isn't dependable and that they're not creating the outcome you're looking
for guess what you're you go through this process you're still exposed and you're still sick well and that is part
of the problem in our in your side of the industry too is that one person says this place looks clean one person says
it's not one person does a dust sample one person does an air sample one person does doesn't do any testing and there's
just even if everybody has the same you know certifications to be an indoor
environmental professional there's still a lot of opinions and things like that too so having some uniformity I think is
good too of of totally testing and metrics and all those things and that's you know I mentioned the word scalable
early on and and the reason I mentioned that word it's it's it's going to come full circle right now I mean if you do
not scale anything that you do whether it's a nonprofit a for profit if you're not scaling a process anything that you
need in this world is not going to provide the solution that you want to long term because as things change
scales break right and you have to be willing to do the work to make sure that
as you're growing you're adjusting the scale so that at the end of the day the customer experience doesn't change right
um and look I'm not not going to sit here and say that I'm perfect I'm not going to sit here and say everything that I built is perfect right it's it's
an evolution but the the point was one of the problems that I saw that I
realized I wanted to change was walking into people's homes that have been remediated or remediated twice or even
three times and still couldn't couldn't lift their head off the pillow yeah that's a problem for me it's almost in
my practice I don't want to say it's the majority because that I have to think about that you know numbers wise but
it's it's at least close enough that I have to think about it that it's like a lot of people that come in that still issues and I'm like man I'm kind of
suspicious of mold based on your symptom clusters and things like that that you're expressing they're like well and I might ask him you know just hey what
about mold do you have any experience with that oh yeah we had mold four years ago but it was remediated and so I think there's a certain amount of education
and and kind of mental block that we have to get through too to say hey maybe that wasn't done correctly and another
thing that I would say Michael with all of your your approaches especially but it's a again it's a journey it's a
learning process of how do you take somebody from like I don't know anything about mold to actually wanting to do a
dust test or get home cleanse or things like that they've got to at least first
admit that it could be a problem you know in a newer or more renovated home a lot of people think like well my home is
new and so a lot of those are just the the most common misconceptions you know I live in a town here in Illinois that
was hit by a tornado and so there I see more mold cases in my town here that
were homes that have been rebuilt in the last 10 years than I see the old side of town but those are not the people that
are suspecting it those are the people that are thinking my home is new I couldn't possibly have mold why am I so
sick but again you just got to break through some of those barriers of Education to get somebody to to pick up
the next breadcrumb as they're following that trail of breadcrumbs that eventually leads to testing remediation
long-term Solutions but there's a lot of breadcrumbs they have to follow to to even get to that point uh and I think
that again you're taking all of those things into account as far as if somebody's never even heard the MW and
they stumble upon our website where do they begin and again I think you've made that really navigatable but it's also
something that you're always tweaking and changing and stuff too what are some of the resources and again if you know
top of your head I'm sure you do but just there's a lot of them on change the air website but what are some of the
resources like even some of the downloadable PDFs or some of the things that people can just find on there with
regards to education or also action steps as well um or some of maybe your
favorites too yeah I mean it changes week to week right kend kend Kendra is in charge of that department I'll tell
she's killing it all those resour and those handouts those PDFs they're money they're so good so so what I always
recommend people do when they're looking to figure out what to do there's a start here section you click Start here and
you're GNA learn how to find an IEP how to find a remediator right you're going to learn you're going to learn really
all the different pieces of the puzzle you have the sources of mold the particles that it creates toxins it can
create right the mvocs it could create um I think mold is a symptom typically
of a sick building obviously mold is for me I think it's one of the most dangerous components of a sick building
because the the different aspects of mold in general you have the spores and the fragments that can become a problem
because of their size um they could bypass self defense mechanisms enter the bloodstream obviously different species
are going to create different spores right but um when you look at it from that perspective you'll start to see
that spores themselves could be a problem right um then you have research that
mvc's create its own set of problems and mvc's are voc's produced by by mold and
that's microbial voc's it's essentially the byproduct mold creates as it's living and thriving in your house you
might notice that moc's create kind of kind of mimic that musty odor that we
associated with like damp basements and stuff and that's really what mvcc's are vocc is a volatile organic compound it's
actually what our old factory senses register as a smell so just for people to have that understanding so when you
have mvc's you will have that moldy smell that you probably grew up knowing
um which means that it is impacting your body as it's entering your body because you wouldn't smell it if those particles
were not actually entering your body right or sewage but is a different smell but it's the same different smell but yeah mechanism MV yeah right mv's as
well right and so but more probably more from bacteria than from the mold aspect then you have the toxins right and
different species can produce different toxins and different toxins as we study them produce different health effects
right and so it becomes a very convoluted subject here the nice thing about it is mold for me why I look at it
as a common denominator is because it's one of the easiest things to detect with current technology mhm and you need
water right like so if we find mold we know that there's water coming in so if we find mold we know there's probably
bacteria but the remediation strategy doesn't necessarily change exactly one
of the biggest missing missing links to this whole puzzle is the HVAC system I can't tell you how many people remediate
their houses how many experts IEPs remediators the best in the country it
doesn't matter they're not talking about the HVAC system and I'm watching people
buy dust test dust test their house after they still have high asparagus
high penicilium they've clean their house three or four times first question asked did you clean your HVAC system no
nobody told me to do that well if you've had mold throughout your house and
that's creating particles and it's creating toxins and those get drawn into the HVAC system you've got a merate
filter even if you have a Merv 13 filter you're only filtering out 75% of the time so 25% of the time it's by passing
the filter getting into the system the evaporative coil condensates it's literally what it does all summer long
as the AC's blasting that's where the mold's growing and nobody's telling people this and even if they are a coil
is pretty complex to clean you have to pump down the system take it out clean the coil you would know if somebody
cleaned your coil properly because your AC would would be down you know for for extended periods of time while they do
that maybe the whole day right and so um most companies are just coming in and spraying one side of the coil guess what
there's two sides of the coil and it's all the way in the back that you can't even like physically stick your hand up and clean and so you look at from all
this perspective and it's just like we've just we're not doing the complete process and that's why you're still
seeing people not feeling well that's why you still see you know data showing up on the dust test that shouldn't be
you despite all these people's efforts and so you one one of my opinions of like proper testing and Remediation is
it's it's not I it's it's not rocket science it's just we have to take all you have to go 12 lers deep and like how
are you not cleaning the lungs of the home and or at least looking into it but to your point you're just not getting it
all if you're you're Miss they're cleaning the duck work everybody everybody goes right for the duck work
they let's clean the duck work let's clean the duck work and like you know
I'm sure there's some benefit to cleaning the duck work for sure particles blah blah blah yeah yeah but
but like that's not where it's growing you know unless you have ation problems like in the duck work and you have mold
growing in the duck work which by the way at that point cleaning is not going to cut it right you need yeah you know
unless you have that or you have mold growing around vents you know it's it's it's growing in the evaporative coil and
like it's just always neglected yeah there's a lovely test EPA 36 test I love
that test for the HVAC system never see people use it you know almost sparingly very few companies use
it um you know so there's so many things that we could do to get a good Baseline of what's going on but you know look I
get uh scrutinized all the time by other Professionals for you know being data driven which I think is crazy to me but
here we are and the reason being is because everybody thinks that well we need to you know we we should be able to
see these things more you know we we should use tools like thermal imaging and do a proper inspection and you know
you take things out of cont of course of course you need to do a proper inspection you need to know what to test you have to inspect to know what
to test right so when I speak about these things you know for me that's a given obviously because we're not just
looking to test every single wall cavity in in the home it to be crazy but yeah I think having the data to understand what
molds are we dealing with and how might that correlate to the unique individual especially where might we find them if
it's stacky versus aspergillis you might go looking in a different place if it's coming from a dust test and you're just
again on that trail of breadcrumbs it's not always leading you right to the end it's leading you to the next clue of
where should I look yeah and you know in my process I like to have data because
the number one people number one question people ask me is I don't have unlimited money there's no money tree in
the backyard how am I going to be able to take the limited resources I have and make sure that those resources are
invested properly exactly you can't do that without data right you know anybody
can come into your house and make hypothesis and that's what I see a lot of experts do they come in they make
hypothesis well this one time this is what happened and okay but there are so
many variables and so if you're not correct about the exact set of variables
that would lead to a specific outcome and you don't have the data to support that odds are you're taking a swing in a
miss people are going to spend money going in a direction and they're not actually going to feel any different right and I think that's what so many
different times and so you know again it's how do we make this scalable well we need a process and if we don't have a
datadriven process then how the heck are we GNA make unique decisions because
your house is different than my house is different than my friend's house is different than your friend's house and
my mold is different than your mold is different than his mold right and so how the heck do we scale something like this
that can help people uniquely and individ ually and I'll tell you there's two ways to do it one technology thank
God technolog is finally increasing I think we're going to have individualized medicine be able to scale in short order
the second way is process and it has to be a process and you have to be able to
actually match data sets together within each step of the process that's how I do
it I have charts mold school I say okay you have this mold this produces this toxin I see on your Labs you have this
tox and elevated this makes sense right I get the whole argument no test is perfect right but when I start to see
things correlate you start yeah you could see it clear as day a lot of times not every time but yeah we don't we
don't need to argue about this we see some correlation here I strongly suggest we we get these numbers lower right and
that's the name of the game it's like I think um the other issue that I have with a lot of people is you know this
does create a lot of fear right um when you start to see a wrecking ball or a second mortgage you
know that and and it's and it's how do we how do we how do we take the emotion out of it um and I think I'm pretty good
at that you know trying to take the helping people take the emotion out of it and just stick to let's make data
driven decisions let's take step-by-step actions um and that's that's that's really difficult because there are some
people that are like they do a test they see mold the next day they have somebody coming in with hammer swinging things
down and that's where people start to make mistakes exactly like you should have done the order a little differently
there you know well and I would say the same thing Michael about functional medicine you know it's very customized
it's very unique there's certain algorithm that almost everybody needs to follow but every case is a little bit
different but I think that it's it really starts with the education if you
understand that finding mold doesn't mean you have to knock your house down it just means you have to clean it up
and you've got to do some removal and some air particle cleaning or whatever it is if you understand that there are
action steps that can be taken then it's not overwhelming there's a problem and there's a solution it's like no big deal
you know I got a flat tire it kind of sucks but I can get it filled and pumped and get back on the road it's not the
end of the world so I think that that comes back to the education and but the same thing happens in functional
medicine you know people read you know some article about a parasite and they just go out and buy some parasite
cleanse and they spend $250 they don't get better and I'm not hating on parasite cleanses by any means but they
just start shooting in the dark because they know there's a bad guy out there somewhere and they're not they don't really know what they're aiming at so I
think that even taking you know I don't know fill in the blank with whatever time but taking four or five hours
taking four or five days and just diving into some of the resources on change the air listening to some of the you know
people out there they all kind of start saying the same thing and then this problem doesn't look so unsolvable you
still got to take the action steps and you you can you know that's what you guys are trying to scale too but the
education is just such a crucial component um to even taking the right action steps right yeah you're exactly
right you know it's like anything else right you want to lose 20 pounds there's
no switch and all of a sudden you're 20 pounds a letter right you got to put in the work and it's daily it's consistency
and it's you got to make the hard decisions every day three times five
times a day you're going to fall off the wagon and you got to give yourself a little Grace but you got to get back on
and yeah all those things I'm on the he Journey right now yeah I went to uh Europe over the holidays to visit some
family and I I fell off the wagon I was I was drinking hot wine in the middle of
the streets I I never drink I a matter of fact 24 days I haven't had a had a
lick of alcohol but before that you know I was I was on vacation I'm in vacation mode right so I was I was eating stuff I
never eat you know and I was like well I'm in Europe right so there's no way I can get fat while I'm in Europe you know
it's the the food's so clean over here I gained 10 pound guys um and you know
what it's like you could be you could be in the cleanest place in the world but if you're having too much sugar and too
many carbs right I'm gonna for me where like sugar and carbs literally are the
death of me that's my kryptonite like yeah it's not not in a good position right the alcohol that I that I drank
here and there turned right into sugar right not great for me so you know it's a kind of it's about like knowing who
you are knowing what your limitations are and like when you do decide I'm going to fall off the wagon be freaking
intentional about it and then just as intentional as you were about falling off get the intention right to fall back
in I'm I'm down eight pounds since I've been back in the last 24 days R A you
know averaging about two to three pounds a week um which is you know pretty decently healthy way to lose weight not
trying to go too crazy and I'm where where I'm at now I feel great I'm am I a
little bummed that like I fell off the wagon kind of because I could have been like that much better but at the same
time I'm a human being and I want to live life you know that's exactly what I was going to say because that's what I encourage people to do too you know
sometimes joked at my office as like a Catholic confessional it's like forgive me doctor I've sinned I ate gluten I
drank alcohol I didn't take my supplements whatever but you got to test those Waters and I think the same thing is true with mold and I think that's
another just interesting conversation is nobody's suggesting that the world's ever going to be mold free or that your
home is going to be mold free but if there's a problem you got to clean it up and then but I'm not saying you can't
ever go stay in a hotel again or you know we don't want somebody to get so fearful that they stop living their life
also but if you touch that hot stove and you get a little burned then you got to think about okay why did that happen
what can I change next time what can I do better what what caus this you know and if it's Europe and drinking then
it's like okay was that worth it or not but those are the things that everybody's got away even with regards
to their air quality too yeah what are some things what are some things Michael
because I want to ask you about you're just kind of your opinion on some things and feel free to just ramble with whatever but you know again I think that
mold I I like what you said let me tell you something about that too about that mold is a symptom of a sick house you
know I just had this person she's got some mold suspicions she had some really high levels on her labs and her
husband's a home builder so but they had all this mold on their window sill and I said well that's got to be removed and
he said I can't remove it it'll grow back again the next day and I said well that's the problem like why is it
growing back again the next day but so they're starting starting to open their eyes but it's just a symptom of a sick
building and I think that for for you and I the our thing is like well we just want to breathe clean air whether it's
dust or smoke or voc's or spores or micos we just want to breathe clean air so what are some of your opinions on the
like what else meaning besides mold or like mold spores that might show up on
on testing so I'm talking about you've already touched on some of them but from alahh the voc's you know LPS and things
that might be more bacterial and sewage or Actos or you know Wildfire smoke again just you know popular now and in
the last you know couple decades but especially right now in LA and stuff like that but what about what else and I
know that's a big question but start wherever and talk about whatever yeah I mean there's a lot of what else
obviously right it's like but do you agree with that of like breathing clean air and if even with like you know
purification and stuff like that it's like hey there's all kinds of things that could be coming in but if you're purifying now not to say that a purifier
is going to be a miracle but if you're purifying you take out a lot of the potential sources now obviously you
still got to clean those things up but any of those that you think are overlooked or any of those that you
think are kind of moving up the radar with the voc's or LPS or actino some of them become trendy topics for a period
of time but it's all to me just like breathe clean air and that's really what it is the message is breathe clean air
right so mold is a symptom of a sick house right mold mold can be pretty toxic depending on what type of mold and
you know we already mentioned there's three different parts to the to the mold organism itself that we want to be conserved of that have their own ways of
impacting the health of the human body you have bacteria that also grows with the same water damage conditions right
and so if we have too too high humidity too much water coming into our house we're going to have mold we're going to
have bacteria as bacteria dies off it can produce endo toxins as it's alive it could produce exotoxins right both of
those are not really that great to be breathing in you're going to have virus particles that you're going to spread in
your own home that your family is going to spread in in your own home um to just just to be mindful of not trying to make
everybody fearful of breathing right yeah we've got 400 trillion viruses in our body it is a scare word but it
shouldn't be you know they're everywhere but also I was just going to say and I didn't mean to jump in but like just dust you know just dead skin and just
dust is sometimes particulate and an allergen and irritant and all those things but anyway yeah you're going to
have dead dead hair and skin cells right some of the main particles that make up our dust we're going to have dust mites
unfortunately we're going to have animal proteins if we have animals or pet dander if we have pets right uh we are
going to have things like voc's you know things that we bring into our house can have things like for Malahide in it
right that also can can uh be a problem for inhaling um all these different
things we have microplastics right that that enter our environment even pasas
we're seeing a lot of these pasas um forever chemical is actually off gasing into the air and being actually you're
breathing it in and so you know you want to be mindful of all these things and what does that really look like well it
just looks like being making smart decisions on what you bring into the house versus you know uh trying to kind
of draw a line I I don't want people to go crazy you know at the same time I just want
people to be mindful that these contaminants exist and that when you are making purchases of items you know you
know what to look for right so I like I look I look for vocc free or low VOC
Alternatives when I'm buying stuff you know I'm looking for firm Malahide free products where I can um you know I
obviously want to get humidity and moisture under control in my home so I don't have mold or have bacteria
overgrowth um I think the word overgrowth is a good word by the way because as you mentioned earlier we
can't really have mold free homes or bacteria free homes or virus free homes
it's impossible uh we can't build bubbles around ourselves we can't build bubbles around our homes that's not the
objective the objective is to have an environment that is under control I want to be able to go outside and come in and
take my shoes off at the front door knowing I'm not tracking stuff in and not have to worry if brought a mold
Spore in my clothes in on my clothes or not because I probably did every day yeah but like how am I how am I supposed
to live with that type of fear exactly so what do I have well I have good cleaning regimens right I clean with the
right stuff I don't have chemicals I chemicals is another thing chemical off gasing inside of our own homes with the
cleaning products it's a big deal I have uh MV 16 filters on my HVAC units I have
two HVAC units one in my attic one one in my downstairs I've got mve 16 filters on both those are capturing 95% of
everything that I would want it to capture which is keeping my hvx clean longer do you personally start to jump
in but do you do use anything like the activated charcoal or the potassium permanganate in your HVAC or just the MV
I just have the murv just just pulling out the particles cool um I do have air purifiers that have activated charcoal
and I have air air purifiers that are just particulate base and so I have the HVAC systems which if you put a MV 16
filter it essentially turns your HVAC into an air purifier right I've got that I've got some air purifiers around I've
got you know some for vocc some for the particulate you know if I I I live in
Florida so I'm I don't have a lot of fire potential here or smoke potential here but you know I have if if I did if
I lived in California for example I'd probably have a lot of voc uh based filter so I'd have those charcoal
filters to pick up some of the voc's that you're going to unfortunately have with smoke um but I'd also have
particulate filters because that Ash and that Char and a lot of those chemicals that are going to come in that that
they're coming from burnt buildings and um you know all these building materials
that are going to have unfortunately chemicals involved yeah we want to be able to pick up those particulate matters so that you're not breathing
that in and so you know it's different strategies for different things you know unfortunately we are going to have times
where our air quality outside's not great where we're going to want to keep windows closed and have you know recirculation of air and we're going to
want air purifiers probably running full glass and then there are days where the air quality is great outside we're going
to want to open Windows and get fresh air in and dilute the amount of particles we're breathing in you know you mentioned something earlier about
the modern home you know the reason that the modern home is making such a difference today than it was 50 years
ago our homes are built totally tighter than they were 50 years ago right and everybody I ever speak to that's a builder HVAC anybody they're like yeah
the homes are tight they don't breathe and it seems like people know that that
it's a problem but there's still some you know some work to be done with hence
the organization the foundation of connecting the dots but anyway you're saying yeah so if they don't breathe
right then the amount of particles you're breathing inside these tight homes is going to be exponential versus
a home that that did breathe also if a home doesn't breathe and we build with
paper like we do you're the mold potential is I mean A Thousand Times
Higher I don't know I'm just throwing a number out there but it's po higher than when we had balloon framed homes that
had an air gap between the exterior and interior wall and then even if if water came in we had a cous product called
plaster on the other side of that so when water did come in which it did just
like any other house that you still have that same risk factor but there was a lot more air movement that allowed it to
dry right and so you don't have air movement in a wall cavity as much you've got it's packed with insulation it's
covered in drywall that insulation gets wet holds that moisture like a sponge there's not enough air movement for it
to dry quickly I mean I've seen walls that had leaked months ago and they're still wet as you open them up because of
the insulation just kind of soing it there we consider that trap moisture and when you have trap moisture the mold
growth potential just goes through the roof and so houses are um notoriously
more more at risk for mold growth today than they ever were and I bet we could
do a whole episode on the scary crap that you've seen I it's disgusting yeah seen some but sorry keep going yeah you
take that and you compound it with the fact of how how limited um the air exchange is in our houses that
heightened amount of particulate matter that we're breathing in that heightened amount of toxins and our household
chemicals and all the things we talked about that you want to be mindful of
every time you breathe 20,000 times per day the amount of particles that are entering your body in in a modern home
versus an older home it's exponentially higher um and I think that's really playing a big factor in all of this for
sure um and so it's something that you know when we push for Energy Efficiency which obviously there's value in energy
efficiency problem is that when we push for it have to also be mindful of the occupants living inside I think if we do
that we'll probably be in a better position yeah it's weird because I've got friends that are in the HVAC
industry or contractors or things like that and they're like oh when we go to sem ARS they talk about this as it's a
problem and that there's a w going to be a wave of sick people from our building practices and they like wow that's crazy
that it's talked about in those circles but it's again the dots maybe aren't necessarily connecting to to change
being made quite yet but we kind of all not all but a lot of people see this problem with these tight spaces with a
lot of drywall and paper and uh drop ceilings and things that are just kind of good mold food but it's a kind of a
perfect storm what about another question too Michael just again your opinions but I think that some of the
things that we're talking about right now I don't say everybody agrees on but almost everybody agrees on like particle
filtration you know so whether that's purifiers or MBS or you know voc's there's all kinds of different nuances
to that PM 2.5 and different particle sizes and all that stuff but what about some of the other just I don't know
Fringe things that like ozone some people say it's horrible some people say
it's great I had great success with it with my formalde issue I just didn't really know why but every time I ran an
ozone I felt a lot better I never ran it in when I was there I'd run it over the weekend and let it dissipate and stuff
but a lot of people tell me that was completely wrong but it helped me or ionizers you know you hear controversial
things about ionizers or UV lights and other thing that just I've heard and again correct me if I'm wrong but like a
UV light on the HVAC isn't as effective because the air is not stagnant it's moving but I've heard that an HV light
on the coil is effective because it's not moving and you're it actually is really good at controlling mold with
that UV light and that that application so what are your thoughts on some of those things um again Fringe things or
whatever we want to say but like or Foggers is another one that some people swear by and some people don't and I
think that with everything too my final opinion is that there's there's good and there's bad in a lot of these different
things so it kind of depends on the Target that you're aiming at and how you're measuring progress or if it's working working or not but what's your
opinion on some of those things that I just threw out there yeah I mean I think everything is going to have pros and
cons you know there unfortunately there's just no magic bullet to this thing yeah yeah you know obviously
particle filtration is important because the more particles that you're filtering um the less particles your lungs are
filtering right and so I think that's an no-brainer everybody could benefit from having air purification devices inside
their home everyone could benefit from improving the filtration of their HVAC
system it's a no-brainer this shouldn't even be a debate about that um there are
certain things like ozone ozone is is known to be an amazing odor Destroyer
right um the problem with ozone is I don't think we fully understand its
effect on particulate matter okay and I've also heard that it kind of pisses mold off and then mold will release
microx as a defense meis I think that's a theory of course but I mean it's hard to hard to prove these theor but
potentially that you know that that's that's certainly a valid risk factor uh to to be considered about you know we're
we're dealing with an evolving science so as more money comes in and more research is done we might learn new
things right and that's always exciting to how how can we make things easier and better but I would say you know one of
the big drawbacks for me on ozone is I think it breaks particles into smaller
particles um and I think that that can pose a real challenge for some people now not all people but I think for some
people um specifically because the smaller the particle the more it bypasses your self-defense mechanisms
and enters your bloodstream so inhalation turns into ingestion pretty quickly now what does this altered
particle do to the human body we just don't know I mean it's just that simple we don't know and so if it works for you
and you feel good fine you know but I have too many concerns to be recommending that as a fulls scale
solution exactly and I have scaled back and you know this was a couple years ago but it was kind of like
when I ran in those on I felt better so I would do it every few weeks but I've learned more and heard more opinions
like that and I appreciate you taking not a necessarily good or bad but here's the pros here's the cons we just don't
know but I'm more on the con side of things but I appreciate that opinion but I've scaled back on doing that what
about some of those other what about ions that's another one that's you know my friend Pon um who's a pediatri and
big mold guy but he's he's just seen a lot of success with ions meaning like
symptomatic success in the families that he's treating and then you know Don Dennis talks about it mean ions I think
I said ozone but the ions but you also hear some naysayers and like oh you
shouldn't do ions or things like that so I'm just asking kind of open-minded but
I have one but yeah yeah I mean ions get put out there's Char there basically
they're usually negative ions charging to a particle um which changes the charge of the particle this and can
neutralize it in in theory I think yep and you know kind of forces it to the floor uh so it's not in your breathing
zone so it's kind of like you know the the candles the mold candles like it you know gets it out of the air temporarily
um but it's still got to be filtered or hepo vacuumed or it's still got to be
removed is that right yeah I mean yeah I mean that's that's the thing I mean all
of these things the major drawback that we have is we're not removing the particles like a particle cannot be
created nor destroyed that seems to be like a fundamental principle that's a natural law that people I've heard that
somewhere before yeah right I mean so we're talking about anything you do
you're changing the particle maybe you're making it smaller maybe you're splitting it into fragments at the end of the day the best strategy for me um
that I can that you you will not get my stamp of approval for not talking about how do we remove this particle and
filtration is great because you're trapping in a filter you're removing the filter there you go you remove the
particle um ionization listen if you need relief and it's working for you please by all means if if you know if
doctors are seeing success with people getting the relief they need to figure out their next move by all means I just
I try to not let people fall into the Trap of thinking I don't have to fix my
house exactly that has that's a sick house yeah yeah I just got to plug in an ionizer yeah or burn a mold candle or
something like that like if it helps great but you got to clean it up know if you've got a gaping wound and you need
surgery a Band-Aid is only going to help for so long right and so I think it's really important that people don't get
stuck into the Trap because you know when I look at like some of these products marketing it makes me want to
throw up because it's such because it's a Hot Topic lies
like I I don't want to mention any names but people pray on what's a Hot Topic
and they pray on people that are desperate for an answer and and so I think there's a lot of over marketing
Even in our side of you know there's two sides of the mold world people that don't know it exists or don't believe it exists and people that know and even in
the world of people that know there's a lot of marketing and sales and things like that so um I mean PCO is like the
new wave of Technology photocatalytic oxidizers okay that basically creates
ions um but essentially PCO is this new thing that that everybody's selling now
and they're they're making bold claims like eliminates mold as in like I mean
they just want to sell these freaking devices so they're just playing with all of our emotions here but basically it's like buy this thing it eliminates mold
all you need to do is plug this in you're good to go it's not true and again from a relief perspective you will
definitely get relief potentially depends on how bad your situation is right but I think the dangerous part
about that is first off PCO one of the things that I'd be concerned about is
the conversion to form Malahide right because as we start changing things one of the risk factors we have is actually
faldy production now PCO is one of these things that we start we put out there
we're selling like crazy I see ads all the time for all these different brands pushing PCO technology and to be honest
we don't have enough science around it and some of the potential drawbacks
obviously PCO companies they want to tell you about all the benefits I agree there's some benefits there but I'm also
concerned about the drawbacks and what are we doing longterm that we're not talking about today that is going to be
one of those things like hey let's build a really tight home because it'll it'll be great that 10 years from now we're
like yeah probably shouldn't have sold those PCO machines I mean like history
tends to repeat itself specifically in the United States of America and why is
that because the burden we don't have any burden of proof to create new technology we just say here it is here's
some studies we're coming out there there's no burden there's lit literally no burden of proof right um the approval
process is very very streamlined and limited and that unfortunately has a major drawback with products coming out
there of creating unintended consequences I'm not saying these companies are are trying to harm us but
there's going to be unintended consequences and that's what I'm looking at I mean for me my my probably my
biggest concern would be the formalde production that can that could potentially happen with PCO technology
that I think we need to look at sure um you know still same drawbacks we've got
particles those particles how are we how are those particles changing how are they impacting the human body just same
same just like the ionization how are those particles changing how's that impacting the human body right one
challenge with ionization obviously these particles will reeman right um we
have to remove particles so um you'll always see for me I get behind things
that are built around removal over like trying to destroy obliterate eliminate
neutralize marketing term neutralize like what what does that even mean right it does yeah because the particles
still there I like that you know obviously it's a law of physics but it's like the neutral created never be destroyed yeah what does that mean yeah
if I put if I put one of my most sensitive clients in a in a in a room full of neutralized particles would they
react if you can't answer that question for me I'm not behind it yeah yeah well I agree so I I I like that and it helps
me because I'm open to trying all these things and again I always say Ford says
they're better than Chevy says they're better than Toyota they're all about the same you know you might test drive them
and see which one works for you and I would say the same thing even in the supplement world you know these these reps come in and they pitch me on all
these things they're just regurgitating the sales pitch of what the supplement is good for like well what about all
these other variables that play into human physiology and you you don't always have to know them all but you
have to keep them in mind and not just be over like quickly sold on the benefits of something it's really really
famous obviously is really famous in the supplement world because people come into me with you know 25 different supplements that they read about how
great they were and they still feel like crap so um so I in closing because we'll
let you go here but tell us about you know I I don't say tell us about like home cleanse and tell us about some of
things but I'm going to link some of you know your websites and things but where should people go to find you and what I
mean by that too is because you mentioned this a little bit but I think it might be confusing to people too if they want to do a mold test it's dust
test and that's a a business that you own and have created and is awesome if
they want remed mediation it's uh home cleanse if they
want information it's changed the air but all of those doors lead to more of
your content and more of your info and more of your education so where would you point people you know um for more
information or or things like that Michael yeah no it definitely depends on on what you're looking for right so yeah
if you if you want really good resources uh and and good information or anything
I said to you about the mission of the foundation you should go to change theair uh if you want to
connect with me personally you should go to my personal website the Michael Rabino
docomo you want a healthy home you're not really sure what to do and you you're you know you're at the beginning
of the journey a home cleanse is a good place to start because it I could help you a lot easier if you're at the
beginning than if you're in the middle yeah because if you're in the middle you know you might have data that's that's
not valuable we have to go get more data and so you know the it's it's if you're
in the beginning of the process contacting home cleanse to create a healthier home like we can help put you
with the right people get you in touch with everything you need to kind of go through the Journey start to finish as
effort effortlessly as possible there's going to be some effort I don't want to make that make that clear but you're going to give options and say hey this
is yeah yeah based on budget and need and all those you know nuances but
they're going to give options and like you said it's easier to start at the beginning than to come when they're halfway through or they've already done
different you know whatever and honestly like you know the the dust is a great place to go if you are just you
know just curious about checking the the levels of mold in your house it uses PCR technology but honestly you can go to
home cleanse as well and kind of have have a more guided approach um the dust the dust test is offered
through home cleanse as well part of our process so it just depends on what you're looking for you but I would say
too because a lot of people hear this and they think oh dust I'm gonna go get a dust test I'm gonna test my house and even if you're intrigued by
that are going to do that I would still say spend a I don't know two hours clicking around on home cleanse and on
change the air and just learn about this and then still do a dust test but understand it a little bit more but all
those resources are you know readily available depending on what stage of Readiness you're at I would say
absolutely yeah and again just depends on where you're at what you're looking for you know um and but I you I could
assure you that there's definitely a place for you if anything that we talked about was interesting for you at all
today yeah okay well then so just to wrap up you know I think that again for me it it was birthed out of seeing
patients and you know I'm a chiropractor so I started off doing chiropratic I work before I did functional medicine
but you see these people that are on 20 meds and they're just suffering so severely and nobody's really been able
to help them and you just start saying like well why and like well can we clean up your diet can we get you exercising
you know some of those you know I don't want to say Basics but kind of Basics but I think that it most people in the mold world in the air quality world we
just keep asking why why why and it comes back to you got to be breathing clean air and so that encompasses a
little bit of everything that we just talked about it Encompass encompasses your P purpose and mission and vision
with regards to change the air it encompasses some of the things we talked about as far as filtration and MV and
just some of the options testing and it is just uh there's a lot of moving
pieces and it's a really really really tricky thing to scale and make you know bigger in global because there are so
many individual customized pieces so kudos to you and your companies and all those things and Kendra and Brandon too
um great job for you guys but I think it comes back to well if we want healthy bodies we got to be breathing clean air
and there are other variables but it's got to start there you could have the perfect diet perfect exercise routine
all those things if you're breathing dirty air people get sicker faster and we see it all the time so I think that's
kind of the takeaway of today's breathing clean air so anything else you have to add there Michael no you take
20,000 breaths per day you inhale enough air to fill up a normal size swimming pool swimming
it's time that you start thinking about your Air Boom love it awesome all right thank you I appreciate that um and yeah
hopefully we talk soon likewise talk soon

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