BITTEN 500k new Lyme Disease cases yearly and anecdotes on treatment recovery
I had a wicked case of Lyme disease in 1992. It was debilitating. Thankfully, my general MD diagnosed it and sent me to an infectious disease specialist, who treated me with the antibiotic Ceftriaxone, given intravenously one hour a day for two weeks. 100% CURED! I’m so glad my primary care doctor didn’t just treat the condition himself with oral antibiotics. And I’m glad the infectious disease specialist wasn’t afraid to pull out the big guns with the IV antibiotic. I was one of the fortunate few!
This is Extremely Weak — MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER CARROLL wrote the book LAB-257 that is FAR FAR FAR more hard-hitting, evidenced. It’s nice to see more people getting aboard, but go back to earlier sources. ERIC TRAUB was the NaZionic imported to do the killer research. Zoonotical / tick-borne diseases.
I used to not believe our government would do things like this, but if there’s one thing the past several years have taught me, it’s that not only is our government capable of it, they have been doing it for the past half century or more.
I’ve had Lyme Disease for 19 years now. It has been hell on earth. I’m grateful people are talking about this and looking forward to healing for the Lyme Disease community.
It’s been 15 years for me. There are so many of us. Hang in there. I think a lot of minds have been opened after covid. I likewise am greatful and hope to one day see justice, transparency and healing for all of us before I die.
I’ve been sick and disabled for a year and a half straight since being bit 2 Summers ago. I was happy and healthy as can be beforehand, but now I am wracked with constant dizziness, vertigo and anxiety at all times. I hope and pray for relief every day for all of us.
Plum Island Animal Disease Center was at the forefront of U.S. biological-weapons research, (1954-2024). Located on an 840-acre island at the entrance to Long Island Sound. In 1975, the nearby town of Lyme, Connecticut, became the epicenter of a strange, tick-borne illness. Google Maps show that the closest mainland town to Plum Island is Lyme, Connecticut, where the initial cases of B. burgdorferi were identified in the 1975-76 timeframe.
NaZionic ERIC TRAUB was hired to weaponize it under USDA auspice on Plum Island near Old Lyme, CT (where the ferryboat landed mainland, what a Total CoinciDUNCE!!).
Interesting connection. Lyme CT and Plum island are relatively close. Anything is possible. My reference for Plum island is from the movie Silence of the Lambs. It’s where they promised to move Hannibal Lechter if he cooperated with Agent Sterling’s investigation. LOL
That is not entirely true. They found two-thirds of the genome of the dacteria that causes Lyme disease, but there was no evidence of the disease it’s self in Ötzy. Considering that a third of the genome is gone, we have no clue how genetically close the bacteria that Ötzy had was to the modern version that causes Lyme disease. If the bacteria he had did, in fact, cause Lyme disease, I think we would have expected a few cases between him and the 1970’s.
In 2000, I brought in a deer tick to my doc and showed him the bullseye rash it left on my back. He tested me for lyme disease and the test was negative so I received no treatment. – fast forward now it is 2010 and I have been getting sicker and sicker for each year over the ten year period – I am seeing multiple doctors, receiving multiple diagnosis but nobody can tell with certainty what is causing my severe fatigue and pain until I come across what is known as a Lyme Literate Doctor. She had studied in Germany as well as under Patch Adams. While in Germany she learned about how inaccurate the U.S. test for lymes disease under CDC guidelines. The illness is now fully politically seized, most doctors refuse to believe in the diagnosis of late stage or chronic lyme disease, and the CDC website list it as sexually transmittable one day and removes that data the next. For 25 years now I have known that my own government poisoned me and many others and are still covering it up. You cannot imagine how grateful I am that anyone is still interested in our plight. Thank you for the coverage and best wishes for your future. All our future!
I live in Ky. I took a tick to my doctor & it was engorged with blood. She immediately put me on doxycycline as a preventative measure. I had no symptoms.
In Sweden we used to get bit by ticks all the time but sometime, maybe twenty years ago or so, out of nowhere, many started getting Lyme from ticks. Weird.
“The Sleeper Agent” by AW Finnegan on the origins of the bioweapon Lyme’s disease.
Also Michael Christopher Carroll LAB 257 book
Having had Lyme for over 15 years, I can attest to how terrible debilitating it is. Every day is a struggle.
When they wanted to move people out of Appalachia during the Industrial Revolution, they infected bugs to cause disease to the trees that were their main food supply. They didn’t kill the people because they needed workers. Of course there’s the small pox blankets because natives wouldn’t work. Black Plague was likely a bio weapon as it did not infect people with certain genetics and killed many nobles. Some other examples: Tuskegee, Flint Michigan, peanut allergies, fluoride water, gmo grains, crack epidemic, etc…
It’s like the government looked at Japan’s Unit 731 and said “Yeah, we can top that!”
Every “conspiracy theory” I used to find ridiculous I have since found to not only be true, but far worse than the most ridiculous, sinister scenario I could possibly imagine.
My poor youngest son, who already suffered with terrible asthma, deathly allergies, and severely poor eyesight, acquired Lyme disease as a small child and all that came with it. Fuck this system inventing, and then spreading new diseases.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” – J. Edgar Hoover, Former FBI Director
I have Alpha Gal which means that eating red meat if deadly for me. I spent 5 days on a ventilator due to eating bacon which sent me into anaphylactic shock. I was never allergic to bacon until then. People said it was a tick that gave it to me. I had never even heard of it. Years later I saw a TED talk with an arrogant guy talking about how they wanted people to stop eating meat (for climate change) and how since people wouldn’t voluntarily stop they would make a tick born disease that caused people to be permanently allergic to meat. They ALWAYS make it seem like they are just thinking about when it’s usually already been in use for decades. Just saying.
2 days agoBoth my mother and myself contracted Alfa Gal syndrome. She had it for a few years before I got it. It’s a wonder she didn’t die from because of the many breakout incidents she had. It was awful, but the doctors told her to take Benedryl not trying to really find out what was happening. I came down with it a few years later, twice winding up in hospital emergency rooms not being able to breathe and broken out from head to toe. They had no clue what it was and neither did I but I found a connection to red meat. It was years later after moving to TN that the connection was made to the Lone Star tick bite! I’ve had it for 18 years now. No more red meat for me unless a cure is found.
Ticks where first weaponized by Japan during world war II. Research supposedly went on across from Lyme Connecticut on plum island after WW2.
Japan’s Unit 731.
the first known case of ECM, actually occurred in Europe in 1910. The first known case in the U.S. occurred in Wisconsin in 1970, but that case was described in isolation and not linked to what would eventually be named Lyme disease. The disease was not formally described until 1977, when two women, unrelated except that both were residents of Old Lyme, Connecticut, separately reported inexplicable arthritis symptoms. The condition can now be found across much of the U.S. and many other countries.
We’ve known this for years. News flash, RSV was also created in Maryland when researching Polio vaccines.
Lyme has ruined my life. I am a bedridden burden to my family and it is 100% a Bio-weapon!
“Conspiracy” theorists have known this for a long time.
I have a lot of outdoorsy friends in the NE U.S. and know over a dozen people + close family members who’s lives have been made substantially worse by Lyme disease. Chronic fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, and more – for life. I worked at a wilderness summer camp last summer and ticks were a huge threat. Lyme disease makes it very difficult for people to enjoy the outdoors – you essentially have to stay on trails and out of tall grass, use protective clothing, and do daily tick checks in most of the country. We deserve real answers on the origin of Lyme disease. This happened decades ago and there are presumably no major effects on national security from being honest with the American People at this point.
Wow, first I’d heard of this Lyme/weapon connection. I had Lyme disease but it was spotted quickly (perfect target pattern rash) and treated with 10 days of tetracycline. My dad wasn’t so lucky and it eventually was part of what killed him.
In 1986 my father almost died from Lyme Disease while living in Westchester county NY. I came down with it are few months later and ended up in the ER but otherwise OK. Over the next 4 or 5 years I came down with the disease at least 3 if not 4 times again, twice again being severe. So many of my friends, neighbors and family were sick with this terrible illness, many of us not diagnosed until Lyme progressed to the ’round 2′ ravage and our bodies started shutting down.
I lived on Long Island all my life, people should look into Plum Island & the origins of Lyme disease. It also has connections to Brookhaven National Lab which happened to have a lot of operation paperclip scientists from Germany…
Brookhaven is 61.1 miles from WTC at an angle of 119 degrees, and their RHIC “ion gun” is headquartered in building 911 (these are all easily verifiable facts). Total CoinciDUNCE, no doubt!!!! Particle beam ionization is what’s needed as the third component of the HUTCHISON EFFECT (the other two being high-voltage gradient, supplied by Hurricane Erin on 911, and also microwave RF energy (supplied by nearby rooftop emitter discovered in old news footage just a few days ago by MATH EASY SOLUTIONS channel). Wait until you find out about how and why the same gov that made “Lyme” was also deeply involved in WTC 911 disintegration by beam weaponry, and so many other evils.
The disease may be naturally occurring but it was engineered to be spread by ticks on plum island.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984
My daughter got bit by a tick and she all of a sudden started to hate meat. Rice potatoes and pasta is all she likes. I’m feeling some type of way right now.
Fact: Up until about 4 years ago, there only existed 6 species of ticks across the US. Up until about 20 years ago, only one species of tick was considered to be dangerous to be bitten by. Then suddenly, all 6 species were considered dangerous with Lyme disease being the least dangerous disease that could be contracted from a tick. Now, according to Google, there’s tens of thousands of species of ticks, all across the US. I’d say it’s pretty obvious, and has been for several years to anyone who has been paying attention.
You should look into DILYANA GHAT on AV9 conference revealing PENTAGON BIOWEAPONS EXPOSED
When you believe that the ends justify the means then anything is permissible.
I’ve been captivated by this evil since the early 1970s. Nearly nobody knows about what has actually been going on. Lyme disease is a surface element to the deep biowar programs long underway in full force.