Carnivaria vs Vegania — Killing and eating an animal may be in fact quicker, kinder, more merciful than mauling a fruit – omni-carnacity

Recent DAN WINTER youtube has dredged this —
Kids Lose Their SOUL! Until Scientists Learn the Electrical Engineering of Ensoulment w Dan Winter
Carnivaria vs Vegania
“The argument against killing animals to eat them could be equally made against killing plants to eat them; both killings are destroying the nodal clusters of energy and transmuting that energy.”
—-> “same argument but not same outcome, a cow or a orange is not the same, or reason to grow.”
——–> “I submit that’s an human perception…until we reincarnate as a cow and an orange, and carry those genetic memes thru reincarnation, back to human awareness, then we can’t really know…
“Moreover, since the cow, and its perception and senses and perhaps connection-to-soul (via the brain) promptly “ends” when blood stops and brain stops; whereas, the plant keeps on living / trying to live, even as we are peeling it, pulling it apart and grinding / juicing or gnashing it with teeth. It seems an argument could be that killing the cow is merciful whereas we routinely magnificently torture plants.
[This could entail that a central nervous system as collator of pain, response, awareness is more responsible for ‘connection to god, or source, or the spiritual realm’, and that the ‘lesser’ beings are presumably less connected in that way.]“Of course, if we ‘zoom in’ to DNA level, with every molecule presumed an ‘antenna’ of sorts to divinity, isn’t the slicing and cooking and chewing and dissolving with (stomach) acid quicker and more merciful (by way of the cooking that sooner-on destroys the DNA and presumably breaks the antenna / connection to soul energy(ies)) to the cow than the often-prepared “raw” fruit or juice? I’d bet the orange has a different view, entirely! RUSH song THE TREES touches on this tangentially, IMO.”
This could stray into cannibalism and psycho-spiritual aspects of shrunken heads, trinkets, even ‘serial killing’ (particularly Jeffrey Dahmer) using keepsakes (frozen heads) as means to “retain” company, presence, companionship. An argument might be made that keeping and tending plants is another form of cannibalism…plantibalism.